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日本大叶藻(Zostera japonica)根状茎和不同发育阶段叶片的热值动态
石雅君1,2, 范航清1,2, 潘良浩1,2, 邱广龙1,2, 李 森1,2
1.广西红树林研究中心;2.广西大学 林学院
对广西沿岸海草优势种日本大叶藻(Zostera japonica)根状茎、幼叶、成熟叶和老叶的灰分含量、干质量热值和去灰分热值进行了初步研究。结果表明, (1) 日本大叶藻叶片从幼叶到成熟叶再到老叶的生长发育过程中, 灰分含量升高, 而干质量热值和去灰分热值下降; (2) 日本大叶藻根状茎的灰分含量和去灰分热值大于叶片的灰分含量和去灰分热值, 而干质量热值无明显的差别; (3) 日本大叶藻的灰分含量、干质量热值和去灰分热值低于红树植物的相应指标。
关键词:  海草  日本大叶藻(Zostera japonica)  不同发育阶段叶片  根状茎  热值
基金项目:广西科学基金项目(桂科基0832030); 广西大学人才引进专项(2008); 广西红树林保护重点实验室主任基金项目; 联合国开发计划署全球环境基金项目(SCCBD/CPR/02/31)
Caloric value of the rhizome and leaves at different developmental stages of Zostera japonica
Caloric values and ash contents of the rhizome, young leaves, mature leaves, old leaves of Zostera japonica, the dominant seagrass species in Guangxi, were studied. We found that with the growth of leaves, ash contents (AC) increased, while gross caloric values (GCV) and ash free caloric values (AFCV) decreased. In addition, ash content and AFCV of the rhizome were larger than those of leaves, but there was no difference between GCV of the rhizome and that of leaves. Moreover, AC, GCV and AFCV of seagrass Z. japonica were less than those of mangrove.
Key words:  seagrass  Zostera japonica  leaves at the different development stages  rhizome  caloric value
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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