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徐加涛1,2, 吴建新1,2, 阎斌伦1,2, 冯志华1,2, 陈松茂3, 李 玉1,2
1.淮海工学院 海洋学院;2.淮海工学院 江苏省海洋生物技术重点建设实验室;3.连云港市海洋与渔业局
2009 年8 月对高公岛附近海域的海洋浮游植物及环境因子进行了调查, 在14 个调查站位共鉴定浮游植物4 门36 属81 种, 其中, 硅藻门25 属63 种, 占种数的77.78%; 甲藻门9 属16 种, 占种数的19.75%, 蓝藻门1 属1 种, 占种数的1.23%, 金藻门1 属1 种, 占种数的1.23%。浮游植物生态类型主要以低盐近岸性类群为主, 辅以少量的广温广盐性类群。主要优势种为斯氏几内亚藻、短角弯角藻、拟旋链角刺藻、扭链角刺藻。优势度分别为0.688、0.207、0.142、0.103。浮游植物的细胞丰度范围为0.458×105~3.134×105 个/L, 平均值为1.180×105 个/L。群落特征指数变幅较大(种类数为19~43, 丰富度指数为1.064~2.364, 多样性指数为2.069~3.428, 均匀度指数为0.485~0.677)。丰富度指数均值为1.753 多样性指数均值为2.926, 均匀度指数均值为0.592。相关性分析表明, 仅均匀度指数与水温之间具有显著的相关性, 相关系数(r)为0.544, P<0.05, 水温越高, 均匀度指数越高; 其它因子之间均没有显著的相关性。高公岛近岸海域水质状况的生物多样性指数评价显示, 该海域水质总体处于轻污染,尚适宜浮游植物的生长。
关键词:  浮游植物  群落特征  高公岛  环境因子
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(青年基金)资助项目(40906054; 906067);江苏省海洋生物技术重点建设实验室基金资助项目(2008HS005)
Community characteritics of phytoplankton near Gaogong Island Area
Phytoplankton is the primary producer of the ocean. The variation of its variety and quantity will control the secondary productivity as well as the biomass of fish and other marine animal resources. It plays an important role in the food web of the sea. In August of 2009, the species composition, quantitative distribution, dominant species and community structural characteristics of the phytoplankton were studied at 14 stations near Gaogong Island area (34.62°~34.76°N, 119.46°~119.66°E). 81 species of 36 genera were identified in the studied water, which belong to 4 phylums including 63 species of 25 genera of Bacillariophyceae, 16 species of 9 genera of Pyrroptata, 1 species of 1 genera of Cyanophyta and 1 species of 1 genera belong to Chrysophyta. The abundance of phytoplanton varied from 0.458×105 to 3.134×105 ind./L with an average value of 1.180×105 ind./L. In this investigation, it was found that diatoms had the most contribution to the main abundance, followed by Pyrroptata. They were the main groups of the phytoplankton. There were 4 species with dominance > 0.02 in the zone,among which Cuinardia striata (Stolterfoth) Hasle, Eucampia zoodiacus Ehrenberg, Chaetoceros pseudo-curvisetus Mangin, Chaetoceros tortissimus Gran were the main dominant species, with dominance index of 0.688, 0.207, 0.142 and 0.103 respectively. The indexes amplitude varied greatly (the species from 19 to 43, the richness 1.064~2.364, the diversity index 2.069~3.428, the evenness index 0.485~0.677), which indicates the instability of community structure. The mean diversity index of phytoplankton was 2.926, the mean richness index was 1.753, the mean evenness index was 0.592. The analysis of correlations showed that water temperature and the evenness index were significantly correlated (P<0.05) with correlation coefficient of 0.544, and no significant relation was observed between multivariate analysis of phytoplankton community and environmental factors in the study area. Phytoplankton diversity index method was adopted to assess the water quality of Tianwan nuclear power plant inshore. The results showed that the water quality is in a light pollution condition overall, suitable for the growth of phytoplankton.
Key words:  Phytoplankton  Community Characteritics  Gaogong Island  Environmental factors
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