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利用线粒体DNA 控制区部分序列分析不同地理群体大泷六线鱼遗传多样性
李 莹1, 王 伟1, 孟凡平1, 李占东2
1.大连海洋大学 农业部北方海水增养殖重点实验室;2.东港出入境检验检疫局
利用PCR 技术扩增了6 个野生地理群体大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)线粒体DNA 控制区的部分序列, 共获得352bp 碱基序列, 31 尾个体定义了22 种单倍型。中性检验Fu′s Fs 值为-0.14881(P<0.01)。分子变异分析(AMOVA)结果显示: 遗传分化指数Fst=0.7398(P<0.01), 73.98%的变异来自群体间, 26.02%的变异来自群体内。根据不同个体间的遗传距离构建了NJ 和MP 系统树, 两种方法获得了相似的进化树。其中青岛群体与旅顺群体的一部分个体单独成支, 其它群体聚为1 支。研究结果表明, 大泷六线鱼群体遗传多样性较为丰富, 群体间发生了较大的遗传分化, 证明线粒体DNA 控制区基因可用于大泷六线鱼群体内及群体间遗传多样性的分析。
关键词:  大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)  野生地理群体  线粒体DNA 控制区部分序列  遗传多样性
基金项目:博士启动基金资助项目(SYYJ200805); 省教育厅计划项目(2009A175)
Genetic diversity analysis between different stocks of Hexagrammos otakii based on analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region partial sequence
Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA control region partial sequence from six wide stocks of Hexagrammos otakii were amplified using PCR technique. Twenty-two haplotypes were identified from 31 individuals according to the determined sequences. The value of Fu′s Fs of neutrality tests was -0.14881 (P<0.01). AMOVA analysis demonstrated that the Fst was 0.7398 (P<0.01), and 73.98% variances occurred among populations and 26.02% variances occurred within populations. The NJ and MP molecular phylogenetic trees constructed by the distances among different individuals were similar. The phylogenetic trees were all divided into two branches. The Qingdao population and one part of the Lvshun population made up one branch, the rest populations were clustered into the other branch. The results suggested that the genetic diversity of the Hexagrammos otakii populations was abundant, and there was a huge genetic differentiation among populations. It was also verified that the gene sequence of mitochondrial DNA control region could be used to analyze the genetic diversity of Hexagrammos otakii within or among populations.
Key words:  Hexagrammos otakii  wide stocks  mitochondrial DNA control region partial sequence  genetic diversity
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