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国家海洋局 第三海洋研究所
应用海岸线变化定量分析原理, 综合分析了近50 年来泉州湾海岸线变化的基本特征, 计算了古浮澳岸段的海岸线变化速率。研究分析结果表明, 泉州湾海岸线长度以0.94 km/a 的速率减小, 海域面积(含岛屿)以1.01 km2/a 的速率减小; 古浮澳岸段呈现南北淤进, 中间侵淤交互的岸线变化趋势。通过了解泉州湾海岸线变化特征和变化趋势, 获取海岸线变化速率数据, 为泉州湾海域的可持续开发与管理提供参考依据。
关键词:  泉州湾  古浮澳  海岸线  定量分析  变化速率
基金项目:国家908 专项(908-02-03-08); 基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(海三科2009018)
Quantitative analysis of shoreline variation characteristics of the Quanzhou Bay
On the basis of quantitative analysis methods on shoreline variation rate calculation and trend analysis, we discussed basic characteristics on shoreline variation of the Quanzhou Bay from 1959 to 2006, and calculated shoreline variation rate on the coastal segments of Gufuao. The variation rate for the length of the Quanzhou Bay was 0.94 km/a and the variation rate for the area of the Quanzhou Bay was 1.01 km2/a. The coastal segments of Gufuao were siltation in the north and the south, the others were siltation and erosion.
Key words:  the Quanzhou Bay  Gufuao  shoreline  quantitative analysis  rate-of-change
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