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孙永根1, 高俊国1, 朱晓明2
1.国家海洋局 第一海洋研究所;2.青岛市工程地震研究所
利用潮流数值模拟、海图对比、输沙率计算等方法, 从潮流场、冲淤环境及纳潮量三个方面, 分析了钦州保税港区填海工程造成的影响。结论认为: 填海工程建成后, 工程区西侧和东侧流速增加0~0.2 m/s, 由工程区边界向外增加幅度逐渐减小, 南侧流速减小0~0.25 m/s 左右; 工程区西侧主导流向受深槽地形控制, 变化幅度较小, 而东侧和南侧由于新增岸线改变了原有流场方向, 流向变化明显;填海工程没有改变东槽主导潮流方向和悬沙向外海输移路径, 工程造成东槽流速增加, 利于泥沙的起动搬运, 使深槽部位推移质泥沙由淤积变为轻微侵蚀, 对航道保持稳定有利; 工程建设后钦州湾湾体纳潮量减少了3 934.38×104m3, 占钦州湾海域总纳潮量的2%左右。
关键词:  钦州湾  填海造地  数值模拟  航道冲淤  纳潮量
Effect of reclamation engineering in Qinzhou Bond Harbor on marine environment of Qinzhou Bay
In this paper, the effects of reclamation engineering in Qinzhou Bond Harbor’s on flow field, erosion and silt environment and storage capacity of tidal water were analyzed with methods of current numerical simulation, sea chart comparison and sediment discharge calculation. The results show that after reclamation engineering, the current velocity at west and east of project area increases at the rate of 0~0.2 m/s and the rate decrease gradually from the border to outboard. Current velocity at South decreases at the rate of 0~0.25 m/s. Current direction at West of project area changes slightly because it is dominated by deep canal. But direction at East and West of project area changes obviously because the new coastline alternates original current direction. Reclamation engineering does not shift the principal direction in east canal and sediment discharge path to external bay. The project makes current velocity in east canal increase, which is beneficial to sediment launching and moving. Bed load sediment in east canal changes from silting to slight erosion which is good for keeping channel stable. After the reclamation engineering, the water storage capacity of Qinzhou Bay decreases 3934.38?104m3, which is 2% of total water storage capacity of Qinzhou Bay.
Key words:  Qinzhou Bay  reclamation engineering  numerical simulation  channel erosion and silting  storage capacity of tidal water
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Address: 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, China.  Postcode: 266071  Tel: 0532-82898755  E-mail: bjb@qdio.ac.cn
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