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武国相1, 田克峰2, 相昌盛1, 邬德宇3
1.中国海洋大学 工程学院;2.中交天津港湾工程设计院有限公司;3.中交天航滨海环保浚航工程有限公司
将适用于近岸较大区域波浪传播变形的三种模型, 即基于抛物型缓坡方程的不规则波模型、引入浅水波浪谱TMA 谱的SWAN(simulating waves nearshore)模型以及采用默认JONSWAP 谱的SWAN模型应用于特拉华大学(University of Delaware)圆形浅滩实验进行比较。结果显示, 抛物型缓坡方程和SWAN 的模拟结果与实验所测数据符合都比较好; SWAN 在非线性作用较强的浅滩中心及靠后部效果更佳, 而抛物型缓坡方程由于没有考虑非线性作用, 模拟得到的最大波高较实测值偏高, 且波高变化较为剧烈。
关键词:  抛物型缓坡方程  SWAN(simulating waves nearshore)  圆形浅滩  不规则波  TMA 谱
Performance comparison of wave models for large coastal areas
Random wave model based on approximate parabolic mild slope equation, (simulating waves nearshore) (SWAN) modified for TMA spectrum and SWAN with default JONSWAP spectrum were applied for the circular shoal experiments in the wave basin of University of Delaware. The results all agreed well with the data. SWAN gave better results at the shoal center and behind the shoal. Because nonlinear interaction was ignored in parabolic mild slope equation model, it gave higher maximum value and wave heights varied sharply in space.
Key words:  parabolic mild slope equation  SWAN(simulating waves nearshore)  circular shoal  random wave  TMA spectrum
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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