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牛海凤1, 冯剑丰1, 周慧敏1, 朱 琳1
南开大学 环境科学与工程学院, 环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室
脉冲式输入营养盐是陆源向海洋输入营养盐的一种重要方式。本文在实验室条件下, 模拟脉冲式磷酸盐输入的方法, 研究不同温度下磷酸盐脉冲输入对裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sp.)生长的影响。结果发现: 10℃低温条件下, 低质量浓度磷酸盐脉冲试验中, 每天输入一次的脉冲方式下裸甲藻的长势在一段时间段内占据优势, 但整体来看, 差异并不显著; 高质量浓度磷酸盐脉冲试验中, 每8 天输入一次的脉冲方式下藻的长势占据明显优势, 差异显著(P<0.05)。而在25℃常温条件下, 无论是低质量浓度脉冲组还是高质量浓度脉冲组, 基本表现为1 天输入一次的脉冲方式下的裸甲藻藻密度都占有较明显优势(低质量浓度组P<0.01; 高质量浓度组P<0.01)。不管在低温或常温下, 在所有实验组中, 脉冲频率对裸甲藻的影响基本表现为: 在中等频率的磷酸盐脉冲下, 藻密度最低。
关键词:  磷酸盐  脉冲输入  赤潮  裸甲藻<(Gymnodinium sp.)  温度
Effect of pulsed phosphate supply on the growth of Gymnodinium sp. at different temperatures
The pulsed nutrient supply from land is an important source of ocean nutrient. In this study, we explored the effect of pulsed phosphate supply on the growth of Gymnodinium sp. at two different temperatures (10℃ and 25℃). Results showed that the frequency of pulsed phosphate supply influenced the growth of Gymnodinium sp. differently at different temperatures. eratures. Under 10℃, there were no significant effects on the growth of Gymnodinium sp. in the low pulsed phosphate concentration supply group. In contrast, the biomass of Gymnodinium sp. was higher in pulsed nutrient supply mode (phosphate added every 8 days) than the other two modes (phosphate added every 1 or 4 day) (P<0.05) in the high pulsed phosphate concentration supply group. Under 25℃, the biomass of Gymnodinium sp. was higher in continuous mode (phosphate added every 1 day) than the pulsed nutrient supply modes (phosphate added every 4 or 8 day) whether in the low or high pulsed phosphate concentration supply group (low group: P<0.05; high group: P<0.05). Whether under 10℃ or 25℃, we found the lowest biomass of Gymnodinium sp. in the mid-frequency pulse mode (phosphate added every 4 day).
Key words:  phosphate  pulsed supply  algae bloom  Gymnodinium sp.  temperature
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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