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HY-2 扫描辐射计风速数据产品与平台基观测数据的比较研究
张 婷1, 张 杰1, 王 进1,2, 孟俊敏1
基于南海北部PY30-1 平台上2012 年2 月至9 月测风仪观测的风速数据, 开展了HY-2 扫描辐射计风速数据比较研究。选取时空匹配窗口为5 min 和25 km, 利用HY-2 扫描辐射计RM 100, 70 和35 km 分辨率3 种风速数据, 分别与平台观测数据进行了比较。比较结果表明: 在南海北部海域, HY-2扫描辐射计100 km 分辨率风速和平台观测风速的均方根偏差为3.86 m/s; 70 km 分辨率风速和平台观测风速的均方根偏差为10.52 m/s; 35 km 分辨率风速和平台观测风速的均方根偏差为5.54 m/s。还进一步比较了有雨和无雨两种情况下HY-2 扫描辐射计和平台数据的偏差, 结果表明: 有雨和无雨条件下都是100 km 分辨率的数据偏差最小。这为在我国南海北部海域应用HY-2 扫描辐射计的风速数据产品的选择提供了依据。
关键词:  HY-2 扫描辐射计  平台  风速数据  南海
基金项目:国家 863 海洋领域重大项目(2008AA09A403)
Comparison of the seawind data obtained by the scanning microwave radiometer aboard on HY-2 satellite with those obtained with the platform
We compared the wind data obtained by the Scanning Microwave Radiometer aboard on HY-2 Satellite with those obtained with the platform from February 2012 to Septemper 2012 in the Northern South China Sea. The temporal and spatial differences between the HY-2 and platform-measured data were limited to less than 5 min and 25 km. The spatial resolution of HY-2 data used in our study was 100, 70 and 35 km. The Root Mean Square (RMS) between HY-2 wind speed data with 100 km resolution and the platform-measured wind speed data was about 3.86 m/s. The RMS between HY-2 wind speed data with 70 km resolution and the platform-measured wind speed data was about 10.52 m/s. The RMS between HY-2 wind speed data with 35 km resolution and the platform-measured wind speed data was about 5.54 m/s. We also calculated the RMS between the HY-2 wind speed data and the platform-measured data under the conditions with rain or without rain. In conclusion, the HY-2 wind speed data with 100 km resolution is best under the condition without rain, and the HY-2 wind speed data with 35 km resolution is best under the condition with rain. We have provided a basis for using sea wind data of the Scanning Microwave Radiometer aboard on HY-2 Satellite in the Northern South China Sea.
Key words:  HY-2  oil platform  sea wind data  the South China Sea
Copyright ©  Editorial Office for Marine Sciences Copyright©2008 All Rights Reserved
Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Address: 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, China.  Postcode: 266071  Tel: 0532-82898755  E-mail: bjb@qdio.ac.cn
Technical support: Beijing E-Tiller Co.,Ltd.