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刘佰琼1, 徐 敏2, 刘 晴2
1.南京师范大学 虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室;2.南京师范大学 地理科学学院
针对港口及临港工业围填海的特点, 运用多目标决策理论与方法, 构建了港口及临港工业围填海规模评价指标体系, 包括现状评定和综合影响两类评价因子, 包含自然条件、社会经济条件、资源环境影响、效益评估四类评价要素, 共计15 个评价指标。并根据成本型、效益型和固定型指标的特点提出了各自的标准化方法, 采用主客观综合赋权法确定评价因子的权重, 采用线性加权和法计算港口及临港工业围填海规模方案的综合得分, 以此为依据确定围填海规模的适宜程度和适宜等级。以江苏辐射沙洲半岛式浅滩腰沙为例, 运用港口及临港工业围填海规模综合评价方法, 确定腰沙海域最佳的港口及临港工业围填海规模为理论基面+3.0 m。提出的研究方法能够为沿海省市港口及临港工业围填海规模评价提供参考和方法借鉴, 对于围填海规模决策和围填海总量控制指标的制定具有重要意义。
关键词:  围填海  港口及临港工业  规模评价  主客观综合赋权
Study on sea reclamation scale evaluation for port and facing-port industry
In view of the characteristics of sea reclamation for port and facing-port industry, the sea reclamation evaluation index system has been constructed by using multi-objective decision-making theory, which includes fifteen evaluation index and four kinds of evaluation facts: natural conditions, social and economic conditions, environmental and resources influences, and benefits evaluation. The fifteen evaluation index was divided into two types, situation assessment and comprehensive effect. The standardization method was proposed according to the trait of the cost, efficiency and fix index. The method of combination giving-weight-value was used to determine the weights of evaluation factors, and the weighted addition method was used to calculate the comprehensive score, based on which the suitable degree and the appropriate level of sea reclamation scale can be confirmed. Taking Yaosha (peninsular shoal in the radial sand ridges of Jiangsu Province) as an example, the sea reclamation scale evaluation method was used to confirm Yaosha’s best reclamation scale. The achievements of this research indicated that it is suitable to reclaim to 3.0 meters above the theoretical datum plane in Yaosha. The method of this article can provide methodology and reference to the sea reclamation scale evaluation. In addition, it has great significance for reclamation scale decision-making and formulating the total amount control indicators of sea reclamation scale.
Key words:  sea reclamation  port and facing-port industry  scale evaluation  combination weighted-value
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