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程 敏1, 张秀英1, 陈书林1, 卢学鹤1, 钟太洋2
1.江苏省地理信息技术重点实验室 南京大学国际地球系统科学研究所;2.南京大学国土资源与旅游学系
海域定级是采用定性和定量的方法将同一类型用海划分为不同级别, 是海域管理最基础性的工作, 对于科学合理地开发和利用海岸带资源至关重要。本研究以Visual Studio 2010 为开发平台, 采用C 语言, 结合嵌入式ArcEngine 组件库, 集成设计实现海洋领域具有较高专业性和实用性的海域定级系统。该系统采用海洋公益领域专家制定的指标体系, 通过数据的管理、集成和分析, 实现了海域定级相关方面的功能。该系统将海域定级原理与地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)技术相结合, 为海域基层部门提高工作效率、实现海岸带资源科学有效管理提供了依据。
关键词:  海域定级系统  ArcEngine  地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)组件
Design and implementation of marine grading system based on ArcEngine
Marine grading is to grade the marine source based on qualitative and quantitative analysis, which is the most basic work of marine management, and is also essential for scientific and rational development and utilization of coastal zone resources. In this study, we constructed the marine grading system with higher specialization and practicability by using Visual Studio 2010 as the development platform, and C programming language as the development language, as well as the embedded ArcEngine component. This system accomplished the data management, integration, analysis and grading calculation. Since the principles of marine area grading and the GIS technology were integrated in this system, this system can be used to enhance the efficiency of marine grading.
Key words:  Marine grading system  ArcEngine  GIS Components
Copyright ©  Editorial Office for Marine Sciences Copyright©2008 All Rights Reserved
Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Address: 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, China.  Postcode: 266071  Tel: 0532-82898755  E-mail: bjb@qdio.ac.cn
Technical support: Beijing E-Tiller Co.,Ltd.