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杨顺良1,2, 杨 璐3, 赵东波1,2, 任岳森1,2
1.福建海洋研究所;2.福建省海岛与海岸带管理技术研究重点实验室;3.厦门大学 海洋与地球学院
为了解海域厚壳贻贝栖息和资源补充情况, 探索资源持续利用, 作者对福建台山列岛周边海域厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)资源进行潜水调查及样方采样分析, 研究了该海域厚壳贻贝的分布密度、生物量、生物学特征; 结合旁侧声纳和测深仪对海底面状地貌与海底地形进行扫测, 并对海底表层沉积物进行采样分析, 研究了厚壳贻贝生境底质特点、栖息覆盖率等。台山列岛海域调查结果显示岩礁面积共2.189822km2, 厚壳贻贝平均密度151.33 个/m2、平均生物量6.89 kg/m2, 平均质量45.55 g/个。计算显示当其栖息覆盖率达到10%、20%、30%和40%时, 该海域厚壳贻贝资源增长量分别为520、1 039、1 559 和2 079 t/a。目前该海域年均采挖量约为762.8~1 125 t/a。据此, 只有当厚壳贻贝覆盖面积达到该岩礁区域面积的20%~30%时, 其资源量才能得到有效补充。剖面调查结果表明目前该海域厚壳贻贝覆盖率仅为12%~24%, 由此可见, 该海域厚壳贻贝资源将面临资源枯竭风险, 为更有效地保护和持续利用厚壳贻贝资源, 必须采取有效的管理对策措施。
关键词:  台山列岛  厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)  生物学特征  资源增长量  采挖量
基金项目:福建省海洋与渔业厅科技项目((2012)013 号)
Resources investigation and evaluation of Mytilus coruscus around Taishan Islands, Fujian
In order to explore the resource status of Mytilus coruscus around Taishan Islands, Fujian, the diving survey and quantitative sampling were conducted in this area, and the abundance, biomass and biological characteristics of M. coruscus were studied. Furthermore, the topography and geomorphology of the seabed were scanned by the side-scan sonar and depth finder, and the surface sediments were also analyzed, aiming to explore the habitat characteristics and coverage rate of M. coruscus. It turns out that the reef area was 2.189822 km2 in total; the average density, biomass and average weight of M. coruscus was 151.33 ind/m2, 6.89 kg/m2 and 45.55 g/ind respectively. Therefore, when the coverage rate of M. coruscus was 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% respectively, the stockincrement would be 520, 1039, 1559 and 2079 t/a accordingly. As the annual yield of M. coruscus in this area was between 762.8 t/a to 1125 t/a, the resource could only be supplemented effectively when the coverage rate of M. coruscus was more than 20%~30%. Nevertheless, according to the result of diving survey, the current coverage rate of M. coruscus was only 12%~24%. It follows that the M. coruscus resource was under the risk of depletion. Hence, effective measures should be undertaken to better protect and utilize the M. coruscus in this area.
Key words:  Taishan Islands  Mytilus coruscus  biological characteristics  stockincrement  yield
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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