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刘 昆1,2,3, 徐振华1,2, 尹宝树1,2
基于ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)模式, 设计了9组理想数值实验, 研究了内潮的产生对地形和背景层结环境的敏感性。结果表明: 高斯海脊两侧地形梯度较大的超临界坡面处是内潮的主要源区; 地形和层结环境的变化对内潮生成有很大影响; 如地形和层结保持不变, 不同的网格水平分辨率和垂向层数条件下估算的内潮转换率存在差别; 地形和跃层的相对空间关系对内潮生成及其引起的水体混合强度存在影响。高分辨率的地形和合适的背景层结是内潮模拟的关键。该结论对于内潮形成的数值模拟研究有一定参考价值。
关键词:  内潮  ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)  地形  层结
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41528601, 41376029, U1406401,41421005); 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA10020104, XDA10020101);中国科学院青年创新促进会资助项目; 中国科学院创新交叉团队资助项目; 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目
Effects of topography and stratification change on the generation of internal tides
LIU Kun,XU Zhen-hua,YIN Bao-shu
Topography and stratification are the key factors in the generation of internal tides. In this study, we conducted nine well-designed ideal simulation experiments and used the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to determine the sensitivity of internal tide generation to topography and stratification. The model results confirm that internal tides are mainly generated around the super-critical slope on both sides of the Gaussian ridge. Variations in topography and stratification greatly impact internal tide generation. When maintaining the same topographic and stratification conditions, the intensity of simulated internal tides changes with an increase in the horizontal resolution or number of vertical layers. The relative location of the topography and thermocline can also affect internal tide generation and the associated water mixing. High-resolution terrain and appropriate background stratification are the key factors for accurate simulation of internal tides. Our results may improve the simulation of internal tide generation.
Key words:  internal tides  ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System)  topography  stratification
Copyright ©  Editorial Office for Marine Sciences Copyright©2008 All Rights Reserved
Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Address: 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, China.  Postcode: 266071  Tel: 0532-82898755  E-mail: bjb@qdio.ac.cn
Technical support: Beijing E-Tiller Co.,Ltd.