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李 军1, 宋金明1
中国科学院 海洋研究所
以海洋沉积物中镉检测结果为例分析报道了近期对我国56 个海洋行业监测检测实验室参加的能力验证结果进行了评价, 并对测定结果异常进行了原因分析, 这对能力验证活动组织者和参加者完善能力验证方式及实际检测提供帮助。此次能力验证的结果表明, 提供海洋沉积物中Cd 测定有效检测数据的55个实验室, 其中满意、可疑以及不满意的实验室数目分别为42、11和2个, 分别占总数的76.4%、20.0%和3.6%; 测定结果达不到要求的原因主要来自于技术人员的操作水平和对样品制备及设备的把控能力, 对检测技术人员系统地训练和培训是提升实验室检测准确度的关键。
关键词:  能力验证  稳健统计  原因分析  海洋沉积物
Evaluation of proficiency testing for marine detection and analysis of measurement result deviations──Cd measurements in marine sediments as an example
LI Jun,SONG Jin-ming
In this paper, we report proficiency testing results that were analyzed by robust statistical techniques to determine the presence of Cd in marine sediments by 56 marine monitoring or testing laboratories. We analyzed the reasons for differences in measurement results to provide a technical reference for proficiency testing coordinators and participant laboratories. All 56 testing laboratories participated in the proficiency testing plan, 55 of which provided effective data within the given time intervals. The number of laboratories rated as producing satisfactory, suspicious, and unsatisfactory results was 42, 11 and 3, which accounts for 76.4%, 20.0%, and 3.6% of the total, respectively. The reason for differences in the measurement data is mainly attributable to the performance levels of technicians, their sample preparation, and their ability to control equipment. Providing more systemic training and practical experience for technicians will be a key factor in enhancing laboratory detection abilities.
Key words:  Proficiency testing  Robust statistical technique  Causes analysis  Marine sediments
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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