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戴雅奇1,2, 仇建标3, 潘利平1, 彭 欣3, 李彬彬4, 黄莹莹1, 陈雪初1
1.华东师范大学 生态与环境科学学院, 上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室;2.上海中信元钧环保有限公司;3.浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所;4.上海大学环境与化学工程学院
以亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)为受试藻种, 模拟温升和游离余氯条件, 研究浮游植物对核电厂温排水的生态响应。结果表明, 春秋季温升对其生长影响较小, 而在夏季, 其生长受到显著抑制。亚心形扁藻对游离余氯非常敏感, 0.1 mg/L游离余氯既能抑制其生长, 抑制作用随着游离余氯浓度的升高而增强。温升会加剧游离余氯的抑制作用, 4℃温升和0.1 mg/L游离余氯联合作用对亚心形扁藻的抑制效果明显增加。由于温升和游离余氯的联合作用, 即使在离排口较远的水域, 仍然会导致亚心形扁藻数量减少。
关键词:  温排水  温升  游离余氯  亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)
Study on the effects of thermal discharge temperature increase and free residual chlorine from an electric power plant on Platymonas subcordiformis
DAI Ya-qi,QIU Jian-biao,PAN LI-ping,PENG Xin,LI Bin-bin,HUANG Ying-ying,CHEN Xue-chu
This study investigated the effects of thermal discharge from an electric power plant on the growth of a typical green alga, Platymonas subcordiformis, under different conditions of temperature increase and free residual chlorine. The results showed that temperature increase had few effects on the growth of P. subcordiformis in spring or autumn, but it inhibited the algal growth in summer. P. subcordiformis was extremely sensitive to free residual chlorine. Only 0.1 mg/L free residual chlorine concentration could inhibit the algal growth, and the inhibitory effect increased with the free residual chlorine concentration. Free residual chlorine was more toxic with an increase in temperature. Under 4°C temperature increase combined with 0.1 mg/L free residual chlorine, the inhibitory effect became more obvious. Thermal discharge has a negative effect on the alga, and the biomass of P. subcordiformis would decrease even in an area with water far from the outfall.
Key words:  thermal discharge  temperature increase  free residual chlorine  Platymonas subcordiformis
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