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王盼盼1, 魏福祥1, 崔建升1, 刘大喜1, 何 礼1
河北科技大学 环境科学与工程学院
基于海洋监测站无人值守自动监测要求, 通过控制程序, 实现微波-过硫酸盐消解, 镉柱还原,流动注射紫外分光光度法连续测定近岸海域海水中总氮。在设计改进仪器模块的条件下, 通过试验,优化测定条件。实验结果证明, 海水中总氮浓度与吸光度呈良好线性关系, 总氮质量浓度为0.010~10mg/L时, 线性方程为y=0.185x+0.043, 相关系数r=0.9990。标准样品检验, 实验相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.89%, 样品的加标回收率在98%~102%。方法稳定性: 零点漂移在±0.5%之内, 量程漂移在±3%之内, 符合《近岸海域水质自动监测技术规范》(HJ731-2014)要求。该方法测定实际海水样品总氮质量浓度为0.1927mg/L, 与国标法测定结果0.209 4 mg/L无显著性差异。实现了近岸海域总氮的实时监测和预警监测。
关键词:  海洋站  总氮  微波消解  流动注射法(FIA)  镉柱还原
The development of total nitrogen automatic monitor of ocean station
WANG Pan-pan,WEI Fu-xiang,CUI Jian-sheng,LIU Da-xi,HE Li
Based on the requirement of marine standing unattended automatic monitoring, a method of determination of total nitrogen in seawater by digestion, cadmium column reduction and flow injection spectrophotometry is described in this paper. Total nitrogen was determined continuously by controlling programin the coastal area. Effects of experimental conditions have been optimized on the premise of improving the instrument parts. Through this method, the experiment measured the total nitrogen has a good linear relationship, in 0.01-10 mg/L, y=0.185x+0.043 correlation coefficient r=0.999 0. Standard sample inspection, meet with the national “technical specification standard sample determination, the relative standard deviation (RSD)=0.89%, zerodrift within ±0.5%, range scatter is within ±3%, the sample of standard addition between 98%-102% recovery, conform to the Specification for automated water quality moniting in coastal area (HJ731-2014). The determination of total nitrogen in seawaters concentration is 0.192 7 mg/L and 0.209 4 mg/L with national standard method of measurement results. There was no significant difference.
Key words:  ocean station  total nitrogen  microwave digestion  flow injection(FIA), cadmium column reduction
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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