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垦利碱蓬Suaeda kenliensis J.W.Xing sp.nov.——碱蓬属一新种
中国科学院海洋研究所, 中国科学院实验海洋生物学重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266071
报道了中国碱蓬属植物一新种——垦利碱蓬Suaeda kenliensis J.W.Xing sp.nov.。该种与南方碱蓬Suaeda australis(R.Br.) Moq.相近,但系一年生,种子具圆盘状和卵形两种形状,直径约2~3 mm,叶长可达5~7 cm,无不定根,与南方碱蓬相区别。垦利碱蓬生长于潮间带和海水周期性淹没处。耐高盐,区域内海水盐度为25,滩涂表层含盐量在退潮后经日晒蒸发可达60‰以上。常形成单一种群的红海滩植被景观。
关键词:  碱蓬属Suaeda  垦利碱蓬Suaeda kenliensis J.W.Xing sp.nov.  新种
Suaeda kenliensis J.W.Xing sp.nov.—A new woody species of Suaeda from Shandong, China
XING Jun-wu
CAS Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China
This paper reports on a new species of the genus Suaeda in China, Suaeda kenliensis J.W.Xing sp.nov.. This species is similar to Suaeda australia (R.Br.) Moq., but is an annual plant, with orbicular and ovate seeds. Its diameter is 2-3 mm, with a leaf length reaching 5-7 cm and no adventitious root. These are distinguished from Suaeda australis (R.Br.)Moq.. The plant is resistant to increases in the salt content in soil caused by evaporation during periodical seawater submergence and exposure. The salt content of the seawater at this location is 25 and that in the soil reaches 60 during low tide, when a “red beach” can be formed by this single plant community.
A specimen of this plant is in storage at the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences, numbered MBM286537.
The specimen was collected from an intertidal mudflat, Kenli, the Laizhou Bay, China.
Plant hunter: Xing Junwu, Qu Ning, Zhong Fang.
Key words:  Suaeda  Suaeda kenliensis J.W.Xing sp.nov.  new species
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