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周丽芹, 葛安亮, 王向东, 李坤乾, 宋大雷
中国海洋大学工程学院, 山东 青岛 266100
关键词:  海洋湍流  数据压缩  霍夫曼编码
Research on realtime compression of ocean turbulence data
ZHOU Li-qin, GE An-liang, WANG Xiang-dong, LI Kun-qian, SONG Da-lei
Ocean University of China, College of engineering, Qingdao 266100, China
Because of the randomness of ocean turbulence, most related studies of it are based on statistical theory. It is necessary to obtain a large amount of turbulence observation data, which brings us enormous challenge to data storage and transmission for turbulence observation equipment. In this study, an efficient real-time lossless data compression method, based on the analysis of the characteristics of ocean turbulence data, is proposed properly. The Huffman coding table constructed with a large amount of turbulence data increment information is used as a dictionary for turbulence compression and decompression. The above characteristic makes this method possess a high compression efficiency. Our experimental results indicate that the compression ratio of turbulent data can be as low as 25% through compression experiment of historical ocean turbulence data using this efficient method, and this method also has the characteristics of fast compression speed and low processor occupancy rate.
Key words:  ocean turbulence  data compression  Huffman code
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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