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1.宁波大学地理与空间信息技术系, 浙江 宁波 315211;2.安徽师范大学地理与旅游学院, 安徽 芜湖 241000
采用文献分析法对ISI Web of Science(institute for scientific information,ISI)核心合集数据库中关于海平面上升文献综合探究,得出结论:(1)海平面上升的发文量从1993—2016年整体呈上升趋势,尤其在2010年后产量大增。(2)发表越久的文献被引次数越高。文献作者数量逐年增多,引用参考文献数量也逐年增加,文献之间联系越来越紧密。(3)美国主导海平面上升研究。对于发文量较多的国家,该国独立发文量和其与他国合作文献量基本持平;对于发文量较少的国家,大部分文献为与他国合作完成。(4)不同机构之间合作是为常态,机构间合作明显多于国家间的合作。(5)关于海平面上升文献发文量最高的期刊刊登文献数占本研究总文献的近6%;期刊研究领域所属学科种类均与geology和environmental sciences & ecology以及physical geography等相关。(6)通过关键词研究发现,除气候变化外,盐沼、风暴潮等是近期海平面上升的研究主流。希望通过对目前已出版文献的梳理为后续的研究提供指引及借鉴的依据,并通过对文献分析法的运用,能够使研究者更有针对性地将该方法运用到相关学术领域。
关键词:  海平面上升  文献分析法  聚类分析  研究趋势
Bibliometric analysis of global research progress on sea level rise
GAO Chao1,2, ZHA Qian-yu3, RUAN Tian3, YANG Ru3
1.Department of Geography & amp;2.Spatial Information Techniques, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China;3.College of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China
Global warming causes sea level rise, which will result in many coastal disasters. There are numerous publications on sea level rise. In this paper, the global research output on seal level rise was analyzed by bibliometric evaluation based on the Web of Science extended scientific citation index. The results showed that scientific output on sea level rise experienced substantial growth, with increasing publication from 1993 to 2016. Since 2010, the output of scientific literature has increased significantly. Increasing numbers of documents have been finished by several authors, and the number of references cited has also increased year by year. The links among published research are getting closer. The U.S.A. has taken a dominant position in sea level rise research. For countries with a large number of publications, the number of publications collaborating with other countries is basically the same as the number of documents produced independently by those countries individually. For countries with a small number of publications, most of the publications were completed in cooperation with other countries. Cooperation among different institutions is a major trend, and is clearly more frequent than cooperation among countries. Sea level rise research has been based on combinations of multi-discipline categories including geology, environmental sciences and ecology, and physical geography. According to the keyword study, in addition to climate change, salt marsh and storm surge studies related to sea level are rise are on the increase.
Key words:  sea level rise  bibliometric analysis  hierarchical cluster analysis  research trends
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