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王蓓1,2, 陈永华1,3, 于非1,3
1.中国科学院海洋研究所, 山东 青岛 266071;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;3.中国科学院海洋大科学研究中心, 山东 青岛 266071
论文结合中国科学院海洋研究所2017年至2018年在西太平洋布放的一套6 000 m深自容式锚泊潜标系统,利用其温、深、盐及海流数据,参考卫星观测的海面资料,依据潜标结构组成,创新性地选用多体动力学软件ADAMS建立柔性缆体有限元模型,进行复原式姿态模拟,对此潜标异常沉降情况进行原因探究,为降低大深度沉降的影响,提出相应方法。本文所提出的柔性体模型,可依据海流参数变化改变有限元长度,自定义流阻状态,已被证明在较小海流和海流异常大两种分布模型的模拟下,柔性缆体有限元模型分析所得绝对沉降误差达缆绳总长的0.18%和0.41%。通过计算机模型依据实际情况的模拟结果,最终印证异常沉降值的形成原因:(1)在系泊结构既定且安全布放的前提下,其沉降异常值的出现只能与其当日所处环境的海流分布状态相关。模型锚泊最大受力8 621 N,合理选择布放地点、潜标材料可降低系泊损坏风险;(2)若大洋中尺度涡形成和临近导致流速激增,其对整个系统的作用将决定锚系系统布放期间异常沉降深度,由于中尺度涡的形成与迁移具有可预报性,结合系泊深度和位置的及时调整可减小超深度沉降所导致的影响。
关键词:  潜标锚泊系统  姿态模拟  有限元模型  海流分布模型
Dynamic simulation analysis and verification of attitude of deep-sea submersible buoy and exploration of settlement causes
WANG Bei1,2, CHEN Yong-hua1,3, YU Fei1,3
1.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3.Center for Ocean Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China
In this study, we use the temperature, depth, salinity, and ocean current data obtained by a 6 000 m deep self-contained mooring submarine system deployed in the western Pacific from 2017 to 2018 by the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences with reference to the sea surface data observed by satellites. Based on the structural composition of the submersible target and the innovation in choose the multibody dynamics software ADAMS, we established a finite element model of a flexible cable body to perform restoration posture simulations, investigate the cause of the abnormal settlement of the submarine target, and propose an early warning method for the submarine target to avoid large-depth settlement. In the proposed flexible body model, the finite element length can be changed according to changes in the ocean current parameters to customize the flow resistance state. The finite element model analysis is based on the distribution models of small and large ocean currents, with settlement errors of 0.18% and 0.41%, respectively, of the total rope length. According to the computer simulation results of the actual situation, the reasons for the formation of abnormal settlements are confirmed to be as follows:1) Assumption that all the components of the submersible anchor system are established and safely deployed, the occurrence of abnormal settlement value can only related to the distribution state of the sea current in the environment on that day. The maximum force of the model mooring is 8 621 N. Reasonable choices with respect to placement location and submersible target material can reduce the risk of damage to the submersible target system. 2) Assumption that if the formation and proximity of a mesoscale vortex in the ocean leads to a surge in flow velocity, its effect on the entire system will determine the performance of the anchoring system. To reduce the impact caused by the ultra-deep settlement of the mooring system, the abnormal settlement depth during deployment, which is due to the formation and migration of mesoscale vortices, can be predicted by modern satellite technology.
Key words:  submarine anchoring system  attitude simulation  finite element model  ocean current distribution model
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Supervised by: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)   Sponsored by: Institute of Oceanology, CAS
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