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朱启宽, 周怀阳
同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院, 上海 200092
关键词:  含金属沉积物  热液活动  铁氧化物  微生物矿化  绿脱石
Reviews and prospects of submarine metalliferous sediments of hydrothermal origin
ZHU Qi-kuan, ZHOU Huai-yang
School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Submarine metalliferous sediments of hydrothermal origin occur widely in the global ocean and back-arc spreading centers, and basal sedimentary layers overlie oceanic basalts and the top of intraplate volcanos. Metalliferous sediments may be formed by oxidative weathering and re-deposition of massive sulfide chimneys, hydrothermal plume diffusion and sedimentation, or direct precipitation from low-temperature diffusive flows. These sediments are mainly composed of poorly crystallized Fe-Mn oxide/oxyhydroxides and Fe-rich smectite (nontronite). Although obvious regional differences in the composition of metalliferous sediments from various hydrothermal fields have been observed, the sediments are usually characterized with more metallic elements, such as Fe and Mn, and less Al and Ti compared with pelagic sediments. Since the discovery of modern submarine hydrothermal activity in the late 1970s, the formation mechanism of metalliferous sediments has been clarified, and important advances in the microbial mineralization and origins of authigenic clay minerals have been made. A comprehensive study of metalliferous sediments and detailed explication of their identification criteria can not only enrich the current understanding of seafloor hydrothermal systems and their heat and chemical fluxes to the global ocean as well as the understanding of deep sea biosphere, but also provide insights into the development of polymetallic sulfide deposits, reveals the origin and distribution of the ancient analogs of these sediments on paleo-plates as well as information to explore the evolution of the paleo-oceanographic environment in the future.
Key words:  metalliferous sediments  hydrothermal activity  Fe-oxide  bio-mineralization  nontronite
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