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光质是影响藻类生长发育的重要因子。本文旨在研究栽培型条斑紫菜自由丝状体在不同光质(白光、红光、蓝光、绿光)下生长、形态、超微结构、色素含量及抗氧化酶活性的差异。结果显示:培养21 d后,白光显著提高条斑紫菜自由丝状体特定生长率和叶绿素a含量,其次是红光和绿光,蓝光最差。和白光组相比,蓝光组藻体藻红蛋白(PE)含量最高,红光、绿光组藻体藻蓝蛋白(PC)含量较高。白光组藻体正常黑褐色,细胞壁最厚。红、绿光组藻体绿色,直径和细胞壁厚度与白光组相近。蓝光组藻体鲜艳红色,直径最小,细胞壁最薄,且类囊体上质体小球数量最多。蓝光照射后,藻体丙二醛(MDA)含量最高,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性最低。研究表明,白光最有利于条斑紫菜自由丝状体生长,其次是红光和绿光,蓝光则有不利影响。
关键词:  条斑紫菜  自由丝状体  光质  生长  生理指标
Effects of different light quality on growth and physiological characteristics of Neopyropia yezoensis free-living conchocelis
Tian Cuicui1, Lu Qinqin1, Zhou Wei1, Deng Yinyin1, Hu Chuanming2, Xu Guangping1, Yang Lien1
1.Jiangsu Marine Fisheries Research Institute,Nantong Jiangsu;2.jiangsu marine fisheries research institute
Light quality was an important factor on regulating growth and development of algae. The different light quality (white, red, blue, green) from LED illuminations on the growth, morphogenesis, ultrastructure, pigments, and antioxidative enzymes activities of Neopyropia yezoensis cultivated free-living conchocelis were studied. The results showed that after 21 days of culturing, the specific growth rate (SGR) and chlorophyll a contents of N.yezoensis in white light (WL) were the highest, follwed by red light(RL) and green light (GL), while blue light (BL) were the lowest. Compared with WL, the contents of phycoerythrin (PE) in BL was the highest, the contents of phycocyanim (PC) in RL and GL were higher. In the WL, the conchocelis color was normal, dark brown, with the thickest cell wall. In the RL and GL, the conchocelis color became green , the conchocelis cell wall were similar to the WL group. In the BL, the conchocelis color became brilliant red , with the thinnest cell wall, and the largest number of plastoglobulus on the thylakoid. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was the highest and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) was the lowest under BL. The results revealed that WL was the most beneficial to the growth of N.yezoensis free-living conchocelis, followed by RL and GL, whereas BL has disadvantageous effects.
Key words:  Neopyropia yezoensis  free-living conchocelis  light quality  growth  physiological characteristics
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