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郝婧, 刘强
中国海洋大学 工程学院土木工程系, 山东 青岛 266100
关键词:  台风风暴潮  损失预评估  麻雀搜索算法(SSA)  极限学习机
Pre-assessment of typhoon storm surge disaster loss based on the SSA-ELM model
HAO Jing, LIU Qiang
College of Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
In recent years, global climate change has intensified, and the frequency, intensity, and loss of typhoon storm surge disasters have gradually increased. Pre-assessing typhoon storm surge disaster losses has a considerable practical significance for marine disaster prevention and mitigation. This paper selects 50 sets of typhoon storm surge data in Guangdong Province from 1995 to 2020, quantifies climate change data, establishes a typhoon storm surge loss assessment system, and reduces the dimensionality through principal component analysis. The sparrow search algorithm is used to optimize the extreme learning machine to establish a pre-evaluation model, which predicts the typhoon storm surge loss level, the affected population, and the direct economic loss. The results show that the optimized model has a higher accuracy rate and better prediction accuracy and applicability. Further, this paper provides an effective loss assessment method for disaster prevention and mitigation.
Key words:  typhoon storm surge  loss pre-assessment  sparrow search algorithm(SSA)  extreme learning machine
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