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陈俏君1, 李德磊2, 冯建龙1,3,2,4
1.天津科技大学 海洋与环境学院;2.中国科学院海洋环流与波动重点实验室;3.海洋资源化学与食品技术教育部重点实验室;4.中国科学院海洋研究所
在全球变暖的背景下,海洋热浪发生频率、强度、持续时间及空间范围均呈现出显著增长趋势,对海洋生物多样性和生态系统造成极为严重的破坏,引起了世界各国的广泛关注。CiteSpace是一款具有多元、分时、动态等优势特点的引文分析工具,可用于分析学科或知识领域的研究发展进程和结构关系。以海洋热浪为主题,基于Web of Sciences Core Collection数据库,利用CiteSpace对检索到的514篇相关文献(2012-2021年)进行可视化分析,全面揭示了海洋热浪研究领域的发展趋势、研究热点及前沿。研究发现,海洋热浪研究的发文量逐年增加,从2012年至今总体呈现平稳—缓慢上升—迅速增长三个阶段特征。美国和澳大利亚两国在海洋热浪研究中占主导地位。中国虽起步较晚,但在该领域中影响力不断增强。发文作者集中度较高,且发文量排名靠前的作者合作关系紧密,对该研究领域的发展起到了引领作用。海洋热浪研究所属学科主要集中于环境科学与生态学、海洋及淡水生物学、海洋学等。基于关键词共现、突变分析及文献共被引方法,发现当前研究的前沿热点方向主要包括海洋热浪特征、变率及物理机制,海洋热浪对海洋生态系统及生物多样性的影响,气候变化下海洋热浪的响应、适应与减缓。此研究是对该领域文献综述的一个新颖尝试,为深入研究海洋热浪提供了一定的科学参考和借鉴。
关键词:  海洋热浪  CiteSpace  合作特征  前沿热点  综述
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(42176198, 42176203)[Foundation: National Nature Science Foundation of China, Nos. 42176198, 42176203]
Review of marine heatwave research based on CiteSpace
Chen Qiaojun,Li Delei,Feng Jianlong
1.Tianjin University of Science and Technology;2.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Under global warming, the frequency, intensity, duration and spatial range of marine heatwave (MHW) has shown an aboriginal increasing trend. The MHW causes extremely serious damage to marine biodiversity and ecosystems, which has attracted widespread attention around the world. CiteSpace is a diverse, time-sharping and dynamic analysis tool for visualizing citations with the development of scientometrics. It can be used to analyze the underlying knowledge contained in scientific literature. Based on the Web of Sciences Core Collection database, 514 related literatures during 2012-2021 on MHW have been retrieved and visually analyzed using CiteSpace. The development trend, research hotspots and frontiers in the field of MHW research have been comprehensitvely summaried. Results show that the number of published papers on MHW research increases year by year, with three stages of stationary, stable - slowly rising - rapidly growing. United States and Australia are dominant in the field of MHW. Although China started relatively late, its influence increases year by year. The prolific authors with high concentration and close cooperation, play a leading role in the development of this field. The disciplines of MHW research mainly focus on Environmental Sciences & Ecology, Marine & Freshwater Biology, Oceanography and so on. Based on keyword co-occurrence, burstness analysis and document co-citation methods, it is found that the hot topics of current research mainly include the characteristics, variability and physical mechanism of MHW, the impact of MHW on marine ecosystems and biodiversity, and the response, adaptation and mitigation of MHW under climate change. This research is a novel attempt to review the literature in this field and provides a promising direction for the further study of MHW.
Key words:  marine heatwave  CiteSpace  cooperation characteristics  frontiers and hotspots  review
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