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张灿影1, 徐奎栋1, 焦英毅1, 张均龙1, 冯志纲1, 陈 春2
关键词:  南海 深海生物多样性 战略布局 研究进展 研究热点
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(41930533); 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作专项(2021YFE0193700); 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDB42000000); “科学”号高端用户项目(KEXUE2019GZ04, KEXUE2020GZ02)
Analysis of the International Trend and Research Hotspots of Deep-Sea Biodiversity in the South China Sea
ZHANG Can-ying1, xu kuidong1, jiao yingyi1, zhang junlong1, feng zhigang1, chen chun2
1.Institute of Oceanology,the Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The South China Sea is a marginal sea of the Western Pacific Ocean, with many habitats such as continental shelves, continental slopes, reefs, abyssal plains, seamounts, and cold seeps. In the past 10 years, the South China Sea has gradually become a hotspot in the world's deep-sea research. It is the sea with the highest marine biodiversity in China and has certain environmental and biological connectivity with the Coral Triangle, the world center of marine biodiversity. The exploration and investigation of deep-sea organims in the South China Sea will enrich the understanding of biodiversity and geographical distribution patterns in the Western Pacific and Indo-Pacific convergent region. So far, studies on the biodiversity in the South China Sea have mainly focused on those in the shallow waters and reefs on the northern continental shelf, and the knowledge of deep-sea biodiversity is obviously insufficient. This study reviewed the major international strategic layouts and research programs of deep-sea biodiversity, analyzed the publications of SCIE papers on deep-sea biodiversity in the South China Sea, and summarized the research situation and trends. Future research prospects are put forward for the investigation of deep-sea biodiversity in the South China Sea.
Key words:  South China Sea, Deep-sea Biodiversity, Strategic layout, Research Progress, Research Hotspot
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