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周忆, 邢荣娥, 杨皓月, 刘松, 李鹏程
关键词:  甲壳素,提取方法,微生物发酵
Research progress on extraction methods of chitin
ZHOU Yi, XING Rong-e, YANG Hao-yue, LIU Song, LI Peng-cheng
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chitin is an important and widely used natural polymer. Byproducts during the processing of marine crustacean, such as shrimp shells, crab shells, etc., make up of one of the most important sources of chitin. The common extraction methods include chemical method, enzymatic method, microbial fermentation method, etc. Among them, microbial fermentation method is a method relying on microbial fermentation to complete the process of demineralization (DM) and deproteinization (DP), the whole process does not introduce any chemical reagents, which is green and pollution-free. This paper reviews various chitin extraction methods and influence factors, as well as the influence of the extraction process on the properties of the obtained chitin, and also the relevant contents of microbial fermentation, in order to provide theoretical support for related research.
Key words:  Chitin, extraction methods, microbial fermentation
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