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赵嘉豪1, 姜楚华2, 陈俊华2, 李浩1
关键词:  大黄鱼  摄食行为  波高  图像纹理  
Quantitative study on feeding behavior of large yellow croaker in real sea area
zhaojiahao1, JIANG Chu-hua2, CHEN Jun-hua2, LI Hao1
1.Ningbo University;2.College of Science and Technology, Ningbo University
Aiming at the problem that the feeding behavior recognition of Larimichthys crocea in the live sea area is greatly affected by the environment, taking Larimichthys crocea as an object, a quantitative method of feeding behavior of Larimichthys crocea based on the fusion of wave height information and image texture features was proposed. Research on the extraction method of texture features based on GLCM, using the grayscale co-occurrence matrix to calculate four quadratic statistics (energy, correlation, contrast, inverse difference) of texture features before and after fish feeding. At the same time, considering the issue of texture feature methods being affected by sea surface wave height, taking the variation of wavelet height as an example to study its recognition impact on texture feature methods. Artificial experience is used to determine 480 frames of images and classify the feeding intensity of fish schools, and to determine the recognition accuracy of a single texture feature model, with an accuracy rate of 80%. The results indicate that there is recognition error in the corresponding part of the image when the wave height is above 0.31cm, and the possibility of error increases with the increase of wave height. The single texture feature model was optimized by introducing wave height correction parameters, and another 480 images of Larimichthys crocea before and after feeding were tested. The sea trial results show that the accuracy of the method in the live sea area is 93%, which can effectively quantify the feeding behavior of Larimichthys crocea in the live sea area.
Key words:  large yellow croaker  Feeding behavior  Wave height  Image texture  
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