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班淑燕, 孙静, 黄勇
聊城大学生命科学学院, 山东 聊城 252000
为了查清胶东半岛自由生活海洋线虫(Nematoda)种类组成和物种多样性, 作者开展了胶东半岛黄海潮间带自由生活海洋线虫的分类和多样性研究, 鉴定和描述了 3 个新纪录种即近似尖口线虫(Oxystomina affinis Gerlach, 1956)、长体长尾线虫(Trefusia longicorpa Keppner, 1986)和异咽显齿线虫(Viscosia heterolaima Smol & Sharma, 1984)。近似尖口线虫身体纤细, 口腔小, 外唇刚毛与头刚毛均长 2 μm; 化感器椭圆形; 交接刺呈弧形, 末端渐尖, 无引带, 具 2 根不等长的肛前刚毛; 尾锥柱状, 末端膨大呈棒状。长体长尾线虫身体纤细, 口腔较小, 无齿, 有 3 个唇瓣和 6 个内唇乳突; 外唇刚毛分为 3 节, 头刚毛分为 2 节; 化感器袋状;11 个乳突状辅器均匀分布在颈部腹侧, 同时腹侧有 11 个乳突状肛前辅器。异咽显齿线虫身体细长, 内唇感觉器乳突状, 头刚毛长 2 μm; 口腔桶状, 具 3 个齿, 右亚腹齿大, 左亚腹齿和背齿小; 交接刺直, 无引带;泄殖孔周围具短的刚毛; 尾锥柱状, 远端有较长的柱状部分。该文丰富了黄海海域线虫的物种多样性信息。
关键词:  自由生活海洋线虫  分类  胶东半岛  生物多样性
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41676146); 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR202103040101)
Descriptions of three new record species of free-living nematodes (Enoplida Filipjev, 1929) from the Jiaodong Peninsula of the Yellow Sea intertidal zone
BAN Shuyan, SUN Jing, HUANG Yong
School of Life Sciences, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252000, China
In order to find out the species composition and species diversity of free living marine nematodes in Jiaodong Peninsula, author investigates the classification and diversity of free-living marine nematodes in the intertidal zone of the Yellow Sea’s Jiaodong Peninsula. Three new record species of free-living nematodes were identified and described: Oxystomina affinis Gerlach, 1956; Trefusia longicorpa Keppner, 1986; and Viscosia heterolaima Smol & Sharma, 1984. Oxystomina affinis Gerlach, 1956 has a slender body and a small buccal cavity. Its outer lip and head setae are 2-μm long, and it has an oval amphid and curved spicules with tapered ends. It lacks a gubernaculum and has two unequal anterior anal setae. Its tail is conically columnar and expands into a rod shape at the end. Trefusia longicorpa Keppner, 1986 also has a slender body and small mouth but lacks teeth. It has three labial lips and six inner labial setae that are divided into three segments, whereas the head setae are divided into two segments. The amphid is bag-shaped, with 11 uniformly distributed papillary auxiliaries arranged in a row on the ventral side of the neck and 11 papillary anterior anal auxiliaries on the ventral side. Viscosia heterolaima Smol & Sharma, 1984 has a slender body, inner lip papillae, and 2-μm long head setae. Its buccal cavity is barrel-shaped with three teeth, with the right subventral tooth being larger than the left subventral and dorsal teeth. It has straight spicules, lacks a gubernaculum, and has short setae around the cloacal pore. The tail is conically columnar, with the distal end extending into a longer columnar part. This research contributes to the understanding of nematode species diversity in the Yellow Sea.
Key words:  free-living marine nematode  taxonomy  Jiaodong Peninsula  biodiversity
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