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玉米素和水杨酸对雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)生长及虾青素积累的影响 |
崔丹丹1,2, 杨柳1,2, 孙雪1,2, 邹昭敏1,2, 李亚鹤1,2, 张琳1,2, 徐年军1,2
1.宁波大学海洋学院 宁波 315211;2.浙江省海洋生物工程重点实验室 宁波 315211
摘要: |
虾青素是一种具有强抗氧化活性的类胡萝卜素,而雨生红球藻是天然虾青素的主要来源。本文以雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)为材料,研究了植物激素玉米素和水杨酸对雨生红球藻的生长、虾青素含量及相关基因表达的影响。分别添加5种浓度的玉米素或水杨酸,结果发现0.05mg/L玉米素或25mg/L水杨酸处理5d后雨生红球藻虾青素积累最多。该浓度玉米素或水杨酸可显著提高光胁迫下藻细胞密度,最高分别达到3.4×105cell/mL和3.0×105cell/mL;同时玉米素与水杨酸组中虾青素含量显著上升,分别为1.7%和1.6%,比对照组分别增加29.2%和25.6%。玉米素缓解了高光逆境条件下光合作用基因——Rubisco大亚基(rbcL)及其活化酶(rca)、碳酸酐酶(ca)的下调表达,但对虾青素合成途径β-胡萝卜素酮化酶基因(bkt)的表达量没有显著影响;而水杨酸则相反,在胁迫后期不能缓解光合作用相关基因的下调表达,但可使bkt基因显著上调,最高可达对照组的2.5倍。本研究首次比较了玉米素和水杨酸对雨生红球藻生长和虾青素积累的影响,发现玉米素比水杨酸具有更好的促进雨生红球藻中虾青素积累的效果。 |
关键词: 雨生红球藻 虾青素 生长 玉米素 水杨酸 |
DOI:10.11693/hyhz20180100009 |
分类号:Q946 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目,31572638号;浙江省科技计划公益类项目,2015C32021号;宁波市科技计划项目,2014C10023号;宁波市自然科学基金项目,2015A610265号;宁波大学学科项目,xkl1526号。 |
附件 |
CUI Dan-Dan1,2, YANG Liu1,2, SUN Xue1,2, ZOU Zhao-Min1,2, LI Ya-He1,2, ZHANG Lin1,2, XU Nian-Jun1,2
1.School of Marine Sciences, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China;2.Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology of Zhejiang Province, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
Abstract: |
Natural astaxanthin is a kind of carotenoid oxygen derivative and has a superior antioxidant activity, and Haematococcus pluvialis is the most abundant source of astaxanthin in the nature. We used H. pluvialis to study the effects of different concentrations of zeatin (ZT) and salicylic acid (SA) on the algal growth, astaxanthin content, and gene expression. Five concentrations of zeatin and salicylic acid were applied to the culture of H. pluvialis for 5 days. Results show that the zeatin concentration of 0.05 mg/L, or the salicylic acid concentration of 25 mg/L was best for astaxanthin accumulation, and 1.9 times higher than that of the control group. In addition, zeatin and salicylic acid can significantly increase the cell density under a high light-intensity stress, to the maximum of 3.4×105cell/mL and 3.0×105cell/mL, and the astaxanthin content in zeatin and salicylic acid group was 1.7% and 1.6% of the biomass, which is 29.2% and 25.6% higher than that of control group, respectively. Zeatin alleviated the down-regulation of photosynthesis-related genes rbcL, rca, ca of H. pluvialis under the stress, and salicylic acid significantly up-regulated β-carotene ketone gene (bkt), which was 2.5 times higher than that of the control group. This is the first time to compare the effects of zeatin and salicylic acid on the astaxanthin accumulation, and find that zeatin is the more effective than salicylic acid to promote astaxanthin accumulation in H. pluvialis. |
Key words: Haematococcus pluvialis astaxanthin phytohormones zeatin salicylic acid |