Oceanologia et limnologia Sinica (OLS) was established in 1957 under the auspices of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology and managed by Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Oceanologia et limnologia Sinica aims to disseminate original research articles in the forms of review, research paper, and note. JOL welcomes high-quality articles on aspects of oceanology (oceanography) and limnology from all over the world, including those in academic coverage: biology (bioinformatics, bioengineering), physics (mathematical and computational physics), geology (sedimentology, geophysics, paleontology, geochemistry), chemistry (geochemistry, biochemistry), hydrology, meteorology, and geography; and those in practical coverage: aquaculture, marine resource exploration, remote-sensing, environmental protection, marine engineering, pharmacology, and instrumentation.