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王铁辉1, 李军1, 易咏兰1, 周立冉2, 刘汉勤1, 陆仁后1, 陈宏溪1
1.中国科学院水生生物研究所 武汉 430072;2.武汉大学生命科学学院 武汉 430072
关键词:  草鱼出血病病毒  病毒检测  逆转录  聚合酶链反应
基金项目:国家“八五”攻关课题,857220902。淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室和International foundation for science部分资助,A/2200-1号
Wang Tiehui1, Li Jun1, Yi Yonglan1, Zhou Liran2, Liu Hanqin1, Lu Renhou1, Chen Hongxi1
1.Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072;2.School of Life Sciences.Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072
A rapid, sensitive and highly specific detection method for grass carp hemorrhagic virus (GCHV) based on reverse transcription—polymerase chain reaction was developed alter a May 1995 — July 1996 research. Two pairs of PCR primers were synthesized according to the cloned cDNA sequences of the GCHV-861 strain. For each primer combination only one specific major product was obtained when amplification was performed by using the genomic dsRNA of GCHV-861 strain The length of their expected products were 320 bp and 223 bp, respectively. No products were obtained when genomic nucleic acids other than GCHV-86l genomic dsRNA were used as RT-PCR templates. To assess the sensitivity of the method, dilutions of purified GCHV-86l genomic dsRNA (0.01 pg-1000 pg) were amplified and quantifies of as little as 0.1 pg of purified dsRNA were detected when the amplification product was analyzed by 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis.

After about one-year-old grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idell), and 3-5 cm rare minnow (Gobiotypris rarus), were artificially infected with GCHV-861 and GCHV-873 suspensions by the hyperosmotic immersion method, most of the fishes infected by GCHV-861 were dead during the 3rd - 7th day, 7 days later, no fish died. None was dead in the other group infected by GCHV-873. GCHV-861 strain could be detected not only in the diseased fishes with typical syndromes at developing period, but also in the carriers without any hemorrhage symptoms at pre- or post developing period. The virus could also be detected in the naturally diseased grass carp with hemorrhage symptoms collected from Guanqiao Fisheries Farm of our institute in 1996. GCHV-86l could also infect GCK and CIK cell cultures in vitro and could be detected from the fluids of their subcultures.

A simple, rapid and reliable dsRNA templates preparation method was developed. It was very suitable for detecting mass or very little samples, and the whole procedure could be finished within 3-4hs.

All the results show that the RT-PCR amplification method is a rapid, sensitive and highly specific method for detection of GCHV, and is of significant importance for early diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of hemorrhage of grass carp and GCHV- resistant breeding.

Key words:  Hemorrhagic virus of grass carp (GCHV), Virus detection, Reverse transcription, Polymerase chain reaction
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Supervised by: China Association for Science and Technology   Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Institute of Oceanology and Limnology, CAS.
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