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黄凤鹏1, 吴宝铃1, 徐汝梅2, 蒋南青2
1.国家海洋局第一海洋研究所 青岛266003;2.北京师范大学生命科学学院 北京100875
关键词:  南极帽贝  种群密度  垂直分布
HUANG Feng-peng1, WU Bao-ling1, XU Ru-mei2, JIANG Nan-qing2
1.First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao, 266003;2.College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, 100875
During the summer (December 1994 to March 1995) in Antarctica, investigations at fixed stations were made into the population quantity and vertical distribution of the Antarctic limpet (Nacella concinna) on the pebble beach, rocky beach and vertical cliffs, respectively, of the intertidal zone of the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica. On the pebble beach, three sampling zones, each 1 m wide and spaced 2 m apart, were set up; piles were driven and connected with ropes to serve as marks for sampling at the high and low tide areas. The quantities of Nacella concinna and Neptulnea sp. living in the sampling zone, the cover percentage of the algae and the distribution of benthic algae were counted and recorded for every 1m × 1m quadrats. The spatial distribution of Nacella concinna was studied by setting up 16 × 16 quadrats 0.1m × 0.1m each and the quantity was recorded. On the rocky beach one sampling zone was set up. On the cliff the vertical distribution of Nacella concinna was investigated by counting layer by layer (0.1 m) from the high to low tide areas. An obvious drop in the population quantity of Nacella concinna on the pebble and rocky beach to 35% and 52% of its initial quantity, respectively, was found from Dec. 1994 to March 1995. The limpet on the pebble beach was distributed in the mid-tide and low-tide areas and, especially in the low-tide area, they showed a tendency to migrate towards the infralittoral zone along with the coming of winter. On the rocky beach the limpet had a similar vertical distribution, but there appeared large differences in occurrence frequency, showing a state of fluctuation. On the vertical cliffs, the limpets were even more concentrated on the bottom of the low-tide area. During the investigation, 7 or 8 Neptulnea sp. were preying upon the limpets in the sampling zone. The tendency of the variation of the quantitative distribution of the Neptulnea sp. was opposite to that of the limpets. The birds represented by Larus dominicanus prey on the limpets, which amounted to 26.9% of the food of the bird. Each bird can consume 8.63 limpets every day. The food of the limpets consists mainly of benthic algae. Determinations were made of the chlorophyll-a content of benthic algae in the tide area where the limpets were mainly distributed. In the mid-tide area the chlorophyll-a content increased every day, the tendency of the variations in the content was opposite to that of the limpets. The paper only reveals the quantitative variations and vertical distribution of the limpets in summer. It is necessary to make systematic investigations successively in the sampling sites to reveal the interannual variations, and the patterns of dynamics and control mechanisms. On the rocky beach the predation of Neptulnea sp. is not seen and the quantity of Nacella concinna also drop but the percentage is slightly lower. As the predation of Nacella concinna by birds is strong, it is necessary to study and the key factor of the various lethal factors. Among the factors causing drop in quantity of population there is the factor of migration besides death. There is a tendency for the limpets on the pebble beach to migrate towards the infralittoral zone in winter. Hence, it is necessary to further study the relations between the distribution features of the limpets and environment and food, and the patterns of the migration and spread of the limpets. Owing to different ecological environments and bottom material there may be differences in the quantitative variation and vertical distribution of Nacella concinna, in view of the fact that its density on the rocky beach is several times that on the pebble beach. Hence, it is necessary to investigate into the food habit of Nacella concinna, the quantitative variation of its ingestion of algae and the distribution of the algae.
Key words:  Antarctic limpets (Nacella concinna), Population density, Vertical distribution
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