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国家海洋环境监测中心 大连116023
1992年9月–1993年1月对锦州湾沾污沉积物的海洋端足类急性毒性效应进行了研究。从锦州湾湾顶到湾口沿西南–东北方向每2km等距离采集7个表层沉积物样品,应用海洋端足类Ampclisca abdita对这些样品进行了10d直流式急性毒性检验,检验指标为死亡率。结果表明,五里河河口处受试生物死亡率最高,为100%,从湾顶该河口处沿东北方向随着距离增加,死亡率逐渐递减;笔架山处最低,仅为25%。这一结果与湾内沉积物中化学污染物浓度、底栖生物种类组成、生物量和体内残毒量的分布趋势相吻合。
关键词:  锦州湾  沾污沉积物  端足类  毒性检验
YAN Qi-lun1, MA De-yi1, GUO Hao1, DavidJ.Hansen2, WalterJ.Berry2
1.National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian, 116023;2.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Lasboratory-Narragansett,RI 02882
Sediments in some areas of Jinzhou Bay are contaminated seriously by heavy metals and organic contaminants. To assess the biological effects of these compounds in the sediment, seven surface samples of sediment were collected at an interval of about 2 km between sampling stations in a transect cross the bay along SW-NE and the sediment toxicity was measured by conducting 10-day flow-through sediment acute toxicity test with amphipod species Ampelisca abdita in which the end point was mortality from September 1992 to January 1993. The results of this study showed the highest acute mortality, 100%, occurred at location 1, the mouth of Wuli River, and the mortality of the amphipods presented an exponent decrease in the transaction from location 1 to location 7 where the mortality was the lowest, 2.5%. The transaction investigated in Jinzhou Bay may be divided into three sections to assess the sediment quality depending on the results of Jinzhou Bay sediment acute toxicity test. South-western part of the top of the bay, location 1 and 2, was an heavily polluted area, with a 90%–100% amphipod mortality. Middle part of the bay, location 3 and 4, was polluted too, with more than 30% mortality. North-eastern part of the mouth of the bay, location 5–7, was a relatively natural area, without toxicity to the amphipods. The sediments in Jinzhou Bay contained a large number metals and organic compounds. Metal analysis indicated that all the highest concentrations of the 10 metals occurred at the mouth of Wuli River and as the distance increases from the area toward north-eastern, the metal concentrations decrease dramatically, the lowest concentrations of the metals occurring at the mouth of the bay (location 5–7). Organic compounds analysis demonstrated that the mouth of the Wuli River was polluted by toxic organic compounds too. The concentrations of the organic contaminants in the surface sediment at location 1 were 3–5 times higher than those at location 2. The variance trend of the sediment toxitities to amphipods was coincident with the distribution trend of the contaminants in the sediments and in situ ecological distribution trend of the benthos in Jinzhou Bay and all of them basically reflected the pollution status of Jinzhou Bay.
Key words:  Jinzhou Bay, Contaminated sediment, Amphipods, Toxicity test
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Supervised by: China Association for Science and Technology   Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Institute of Oceanology and Limnology, CAS.
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