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黄镇国1, 张伟强1, 范锦春2, 江沛霖2, 黎子浩3, 黄本胜3
1.广州地理研究所 广州510070;2.水利部珠江水利委员会 广州510611;3.广东省水利水电科学研究所 广州510610
关键词:  海平面上升  影响范围  珠江三角洲
HUANG Zhen Guo1, ZHANG Wei Qiang1, FAN Jin Chun2, JIANG Pei Lin2, LI Zi Hao3, HUANG Ben Sheng3
1.Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangzhou, 510070;2.Zhujiang River Water Resources Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, PRC. Guangzhou, 510611;3.Water Consernancy and Hydroelectric Power Institute of Guangdong Provence,Guangzhou, 510610
The scope influenced by sea level rise with a forecasted amplitude of 30cm until 2030 in Zhujiang Delta is discussed in this paper. According to the 5cm and 25cm isolines of the increase in the highest flood-tidal level due to sea level rise, the influenced areas can be divided into three parts, with slight, relatively strong and very strong influences, respectively. The rise amplitude of the highest flood-tidal level affected by sea level rise at 54 hydrologic stations during different typical years in the future is calculated by a hydrology or hydraulics method. The influence scope varies with some conditions such as the amplitude of sea level rise, runoff, storm surge and extension of the estuary. The distribution of 5cm and 25cm isolines of rise amplitude of the highest flood-tidal level under six combinations for different typical years are derived. The result indicates that the typical year of 74-7 (July 22, 1974) represents a general condition of medium runoff and ordinary storm surge. By comparing an ordinary year with another five situations the difference of influence scope and influence degree can be analyzed. During the year with an ordinary flood and relatively strong storm surge the scope and degree are similar to the ordinary year. The influence is slight when the year of a small runoff and ordinary storm surge, and the situation of the typical year of 93-9 (September 17, 1993) with extension of the estuary is also the same. When the excessively large-flood and general storm surge occurred during a typical year of 94-6 (June 20, 1994) the influence scope and degree is relatively large. It is the most obvious during the typical year of 93-9 of a small runoff and very strong storm surge, without extension of the estuary. Therefore, the influence situation of the last can be considered as a typical condition to predict the scope and degree and the representative values of the largest increase in the flood-tidal level of 24cm in the region with strong influences and 32cm in the region with very strong influences are recommended for the sea level rise by 30cm in the future.
Key words:  Sea level rise, Influence areas, Zhujiang Delta
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