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孙英兰, 张越美
青岛海洋大学环境科学与工程研究院 青岛266003
关键词:  胶州湾  数值模拟  变动边界  湍封闭  三维潮流
SUN Ying-Lan, ZHANG Yue-Mei
Institute of Environment Science and Engineering, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao, 266003
A 3-D variable boundary numerical tidal model for Jiaozhou Bay is established in this paper. The model is based on a 3-D coastal ocean circulation model (Blumberg et al, 1986), and is modified by introducing dry-wet grid technology. A σ-coordinate transformation in vertical and a curvilinear coordinate in horizontal are used. The level 2.5 turbulence closure model is also used to give more reasonable vertical eddy viscosity coefficient. A split operator is used to calculate the finite difference scheme. A dry-wet grid technology is used to treat the tidal flood-ebb in tidal flat areas. An application of the model to the Jiaozhou Bay grasps the tidal characteristics well. The flooding tidal current mainly flows from the northeast to the southwest, with a part of it flowing into Jiaozhou Bay. The ebbing tidal current flow s from the southwest to the northeast with a part of it flowing out of Jiaozhou Bay. Maximum horizontal velocities of around 100cm/s occur at the bay mouth at the middle of the flooding and ebbing period. With water depth increasing, the value of horizontal velocity decreases. It decreases especially rapidly near the bottom. Its direction changes slightly in response to the changes in water depth. The average difference in flow direction between the bottom current and surface current is 3–5 degree. The occurring time of maximum current is earlier in bottom layer than in surface layer for about 10 minutes. The vertical velocity is of the order of 10-4m/s. It is significantly affected by the topography. The vertical velocity decreases when water depth increases, which a maximum of around 30×10-4m/s, occur ring near the bottom with a greater gradient of the topography at the bay mouth. The computed time of flood-ebb in the inner bay delays compared with the bay mouth for 16 min. The computed result in Jiaozhou Bay agrees with the observation well. It is significantly better than the result of the fixed boundary model.
Key words:  Jiaozhou Bay, Numerical simulation, Variable boundary, Turbulence closure, Three-dimensional tidal current
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