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周一兵1, 李晓艳1, 屈 英1, 宋 坚1, 张国范2
1.大连水产学院 农业部海洋水产增养殖生态学重点开放实验室;2.中国科学院海洋研究所
采用耗氧强度测定法, 对太平洋牡蛎三倍体和二倍体代谢进行比较研究。结果表明, 在不同温度下, 2n标准代谢( StM) 占常规代谢( 有饵料条件下, RfM) 的比例平均为85.7%( 82.6%—91%) , 高于3n 的78.4%( 72%—84.3%) ; 2n 因摄食所耗机械代谢变动于RfM的2.6%—6.7%, 平均值为4.3%, 低于3n 的8%( 4.9%—13.6%) ; 同时, 2n 用于消化、吸收食物的代谢平均约占RfM的9.98%, 低于3n 的均值12.6%。经协方差分析检验, 倍性对标准代谢、消化和吸收代谢及摄食代谢虽未表现出显著作用, 但在不同生理状况下, 2n 耗氧率的均值都高于3n。在20℃下, 对太平洋牡蛎2n 和3n 标准代谢和常规代谢( 无饵料条件下, RM)的昼夜周期性比较表明, 3n 的特殊动力代谢( SDA) 峰值略高于2n, SDA 持续时间和总耗能分别为2n 的1.3 倍和0.80 倍。实验还表明, 2n 和3n 在停食后28h 和24h 分别达到其排氨率的高峰, 两者的排氨率差异虽不显著, 但排氨率均值3n 高于2n。
关键词:  太平洋牡蛎, 三倍体, 特殊动力代谢, 标准代谢, 常规代谢
基金项目:国家海洋“863”课题资助项目, 863-819-01-04 号
ZHOU Yi-Bing1, LI Xiao-Yan1, QU Ying1, SONG Jian1, ZHANG Guo-Fan2
1.Dalian Fisheries University, Key Laboratory of Mariicultural Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture;2.Institute of Oceanology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
The specific dynamic action of triploid, Crassostrea gigas were compared with those of sibling diploids. In different temperature, the proportion of the standard metabolism ( StM) to the routing metabolism ( in food, RfM) of diploids was 85.7% on average ( 82.6%—91%) , exceeding 78.4% ( 72%—84.3%) of triploids. The mechanical costs associated with feeding of diploids possessed about 4.3% to routing metabolism ( in food) , the range of variation of 2.6%—6.7%, which was lower than 8% of triploids ( 4.9%—13.6%) ; Meanwhile, the metabolic costs of digestion and absorption of diploids occupied about 9.98% in RfM, averagely, lower than 12.6% of triploids. By means of coveriates test, above-mentioned three types of metabolism were not affected significantly by polyploid. However, there were more oxygen consumption of diploids than those of triploids in different physiological conditions, on average. In 20℃, it was found that, on comparison of periodicity of standard metabolism and routing metabolism ( no food) of diploids with those of triploids, the maximum value of SDA of triploids was higher than those of diploids, and triploids take 130% more times of SDA and spent 80% less energy of SDA than diploids. No significant differences were found between diploids and triploids in the standard metabolism and routing metabolism, but both average values of diploids were higher than triploids. The peak of ammonia excretion were reached by diploids and triploids in 28h and 24h behind of no feeding, respectively. Specially, the average value of ammonia excretion of triploids was higher than diploids in the experiment periods.
Key words:  Crassostrea gigas, Triploid, Specific dynamic action, Standard metabolism, Routing metabolism
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Supervised by: China Association for Science and Technology   Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Institute of Oceanology and Limnology, CAS.
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