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条斑紫菜(Porphyra yezoensis)dbEST中筛选微卫星位点及引物种间转移扩增
刘必谦1, 曾庆国2, 骆其君1, 王亚军1, 厉盛华1
1.宁波大学海洋生物工程重点实验室 宁波315211;2.宁波海洋与渔业研究院 宁波315012
关键词:  条斑紫菜  表达序列标签  微卫星  种间转移扩增
LIU Bi-Qian1, ZENG Qing-Guo2, LUO Qi-Jun1, WANG Ya-Jun1, LI Sheng-Hua1
1.Key Lab of Marine Biotechnology, Ningbo University, Ningbo, 315211;2.The Institute of Ocean and Fishery of Ningbo, Ningbo, 315012
To establish the molecular basis for the pure line conchocelis tests of algae Porphyra, marking microsatellite of the species was performed. However, the biggest obstacle is to obtain the sequence information for designing primer on flanking regions. Comparing high cost for isolation microsatellite loci in genomic DNA, screening microsatellite loci from public database is very easy and less expensive. In recent years, with increasing databases of expressed sequence tags, microsatellite loci derived from EST have been reported for many species. Microsatellites derived from EST databases are equivalent to those from cDNA libraries, as an EST is a sequenced cDNA. Thus, microsatellite lengths, mixtures of repeat types, and polymorphic nature of microsatellites from cDNA and ESTs are identical. In this research, microsatellite loci were screened from EST database of Porphyra yezoensis by on-line software Blasting. Total 714 loci were isolated from 20979 sequences in the database and 211 loci (about 1.01% of the sequences in database) were un-redundant ones. Among these un-redundant microsatellite loci, 35 loci (16.6%) were di-nucleotide that repeated no less than 7 times. AG/TC motif was dominant. 176 loci (83.4%) had tri-nucleotide core unit with dominant GGC/GCC motif that repeated no less than 5 times. GGC/GCC motif also the most abundant, amount to 1/3 of the total loci, and AGC/GCT, AG/CT and TGC/GCA were less abundant loci. Besides, the microsatellite loci were screened by software, so the microsatellites in perfect form were the most common (168; 79.6%) ones, followed by the imperfect form (34; 16.1%) and compound form (9; 4.3%). These results were similar to the published papers regarding EST-SSRs. From those 211 loci, 15 sequences were selected for designing microsatellite primers on the flanking regions using software Primer Premier 5.0. The criteria of the design were as followed: primer length within (20±2)bp, GC content between 50% and 75%, melting temperature between 50°C and 65°C, expected product size between 100bp and 300bp and no secondary structure. Among these selected sequences, 14 contained tri-nucleotide repeats and 1 was bi-nucleotide repeat. With those 15 primer pairs the transferring amplifications of interspecies were carried on in 3 wild and cultivated populations of P. haitanensis Meanwhile, a wild population of P. yezoensis was checked as the positive control. The amplification results showed that 13 primers produced bands in both P. yezoensis and P. haitanensis, implying high conservation of these microsatellite primers in P. yezoensis and P. haitanensis. So, the microsatellite primers derived from P. yezoensis can be used in genetic study of other species in Porphyra. Besides, co-dominance and high polymorphism make the microsatellite marker very useful in DNA fingerprint mapping and identification of homozygote diploid.
Key words:  Porphyra yezoensis, EST, Microsatellite, Transferring amplification of interspecies
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Supervised by: China Association for Science and Technology   Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Institute of Oceanology and Limnology, CAS.
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