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刘建华1,2, 林长松1,2, 高金耀1,2, 方银霞1,2, 吴水根1,2
1.国家海洋局第二海洋研究所 海底科学重点实验室;2.杭州310012
关键词:  冲绳海槽  基底组成  磁性基底
LIU Jian-Hua,LIN Chang-Song,GAO Jin-Yao,FANG Yin-Xia,WU Shui-Gen
Second Institute of Oceanography, Key Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou,310012
The paper deals with the issues of basement constitution of the southern part of the Okinawa Trough, which has close links with scientific issues regarding the origin and evolution of the trough. The analyses are based on the data of geology collected in adjacent areas and seismic reflect ion, seismic refraction and magnetism obtained in the trough. The seismic survey uses LRS-16A digital seismic system made by Western Geophysics Company as recorder, LRS-16 Kiloseis digital streamer as receiver, and compressor and Stagaray air gun as energy source. Marine magnetometer Model G801 produced by EG & G Company of USA is used for the magnetism survey. The main instrument for bathymetric survey is echo sounder Model 3200 made by ODOM Company of USA. The research area is located in the southern Okinawa Trough to the southwest of Miyako depression, between 24°–27°N and 122°–127°E, also the deepest water in the trough. The southern Okinawa Trough is bordered on the shelf basin of the East China Sea (ECS), the Taiwan folded belt and the Ryukyu Islands folded belt to the northwest, west and southeast respectively. The oldest stratum found in the adjacent areas of the southern trough so far is the Proterozoic metamorphic rocks encountered at the Lingfeng No. 1 well of the southern part of the shelf basin of ECS. The Upper Paleozoic strata outcrop in the eastern flank of the Central Mountains of Taiwan folded belt and the Ryukyu Islands. The seismic reflection sequence supposed the Upper Paleozoic exists in the eastern depression of the shelf basin of ECS. The Mesozoic strata are extensively developed belt in the shelf basin of ECS, western part of Taiwan folded belt and the Ryukyu Islands. Interpretation of multichannel seismic reflection sequences and interval velocities indicate that four seismic reflection sequences can be separated. The sequence A, B and C are belonging to the overlying strata and are composed of Neogene to Quaternary deposits. Sequence D is an acoustic basement and consists of Eogene and even older strata. Seismic refraction profiles show that three Eogene andMesozoic velocity layers with longitudinal velocities of 4.7–5.3 km/s and 6.3 km/s respectively beneath the Quaternary-Miocene Layers existed. Qualitative analysis and forward and reversed calculation of magnetic data show that the southern trough is short of typical magnetic lineations resulted from basaltic basement of oceanic crust. The magnetic basement is mainly composed of metamorphic rocks. The Yanshanian (a tectonic phase between Jurassic to Cretaceous in Chinese literature) intermediate-acid magmatic rocks and the Himalayan intermediate-basic magmatic rocks are the next components. The former is concentrated in the northwestern and northeastern margins, and the latter is scattered in the trough, especially in the western and southeastern margins. Both magnetic basement and acoustic basement are mostly well matched in the buried depth. Comprehensive analyses demonstrated following conclusions. (1) The basement of the southern Okinawa Trough is mainly composed of Eocene, Mesozoic and Upper Paleozoic groups metamorphosed in varied degrees. (2) In geological history, magmatism was very strong in the trough. The intermediate-acid magmatic rocks were mainly formed in Yanshanian phase, and the intermediate-basic magmatic rocks are in Himalayan (a tectonic phase between the Latest Cretaceous to Miocene in Chinese literature) epoch. (3) The southern trough is short of typical magnetic lineations resulted from the basaltic basement of the oceanic crust, but the basic magmatic rocks of Himalayan epoch have formed in some parts of the trough.
Key words:  Okinawa Trough , Basement institution, Magnetic basement
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