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斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)两种催乳素受体基因的 cDNA 克隆和 mRNA 表达分析
张 勇1, 马细兰2,3, 陈勇智3, 李水生1, 陈华谱1, 刘晓春1, 林浩然1
1.中山大学水生经济动物研究所暨广东省水生经济动物良种繁育重点实验室;2.华南师范大学生命科学学院;3.惠州学院生命科学系 生物技术研究所
采用 RT-PCR 方法克隆了斜带石斑鱼两种催乳素受体(Prolactin receptor, PRLR)的 cDNA 序列, 序列分析表明: PRLR1开放阅读框为1947bp, 共编码649个氨基酸, PRLR2开放阅读框为1749bp, 共编码 487 个氨基酸, PRLR1 与 PRLR2 的氨基酸同源性为 40.4%。用 Real-time RT-PCR 方法研究了PRLR1 和 PRLR2 在各组织和早期发育不同阶段的表达情况, 结果表明: PRLR1 和 PRLR2 在所检测的 12 种组织中均有表达, 其中以鳃、肾、肠表达量较高; PRLR1 在受精期表达最高, PRLR2 在视囊形成期表达最高, 而且除受精卵期外 PRLR2 在各时期的表达量均高于 PRLR1。
关键词:  斜带石斑鱼, 催乳素受体, cDNA 克隆, Real-time RT-PCR, mRNA 表达
基金项目:公益性行业(农业)科研专项, 200903046 号
ZHANG Yong1, MA Xi-Lan2,3, CHEN Yong-Zhi3, LI Shui-Sheng1, CHEN Hua-Pu1, LIU Xiao-Chun1, LIN Hao-Ran1
1.Institute of Aquatic Economic Animals and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Aquatic Economic Animals, Sun Yat-Sen University;2.School of Life Sciences, South China Normal University;3.Department of Life Science, Institute of Biotechnology, Huizhou University
Prolactin (PRL) has many important physiological roles in the control of growth, osmoregulation and reproduction, which is mediated by prolactin receptor (PRLR). In this study, two cDNAs encoding PRLR were isolated from the gill of orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides. The two cDNAs, one consisting of 1947bp and the other of 1749bp, encoding for putative 649- and 487-amino acid PRLR (designated PRLR1 and PRLR2, respectively), shared 40.4% identity in deduced amino acid sequence. PRLR1 and PRLR2 showed the conserved structural characteristics of PRLR family, including the WS motif, the box1 region, extracellular cysteine residues and intracellular tyrosine residues. However, there were differences of structural features between the two receptors as well. PRLR1 has 13 intracellular tyrosine residues while PRLR2 only has 8. The structural discrepancies thus undoubtedly indicated the distinct biological functions of PRLR1 and PRLR2. Real-time RT-PCR analysis showed that both PRLR1 and PRLR2 mRNAs were presented in all tissues tested and expressed extremely highly in gill, kidney and intestine, lowly in pituitary and hypothalamus. The expressions of PRLR1 and PRLR2 in different embryo developmental stages were also detected by real-time PCR. The strongest signal was detected in the fertilized egg stage for PRLR1, while in the stage of optic vesicle and smoite formation for PRLR2. The expression level of PRLR2 is much higher than PRLR1 in all stages examined except in the fertilized egg stage. The expression distinction of PRLR1 and PRLR2 suggested that they may play different roles during early development of orange-spotted grouper.
Key words:  Orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides, Prolactin receptor, cDNA clone, Real-time RT-PCR, mRNA expression
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Supervised by: China Association for Science and Technology   Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Institute of Oceanology and Limnology, CAS.
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