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红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)性别差异微卫星标记的筛选
岳 亮,马爱军,赵艳飞,王新安,何伟国,孟雪松,翟介明,刘圣聪
1.中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室,上海海洋大学;2.中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室;3.大连天正实业有限公司;4.莱州明波水产有限公司
采用以BSA为基础的微卫星标记技术对红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)雌、雄群体进行性别差异标记筛选的研究。用雌、雄各30个个体构建雌、雄基因池, 利用66对微卫星引物扫描雌、雄基因池。在雌、雄基因池中扩增出差异条带的引物有8对。用两个各包括30个雌、雄个体的群体对这8对引物进行两轮个体验证。结果表明, 引物f383在两个雌、雄群体中扩增出的差异条带与性别都呈极显著相关性(r分别为0.710和0.673)(P<0.01), f383是与红鳍东方鲀雄性呈正相关的微卫星标记。红鳍东方鲀性别差异微卫星标记的获得, 为其性别相关基因的克隆和性别决定机制的研究提供理论基础。
关键词:  红鳍东方鲀  微卫星  性别差异
YUE Liang1,2,3,4, MA Ai-Jun1,2,3,4, ZHAO Yan-Fe1,2,3,4, WANG Xin-An1,2,3,4, HE Wei-Guo1,2,3,4, MENG Xue-Song5, ZHAI Jie-Ming6, LIU Sheng-Cong5
1.Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;2.Key Laboratory of Sustainable Development of Marine Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture;3.Qingdao Key Laboratory for Marine Fish Breeding and Biotechnology, Qingdao 266071, China;4.2. Fisheries and Life Science,;5.Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University;6.Dalian Tianzheng Industrial Co. Ltd., Dalian 116000, China
To determine the gender differences of male and female populations of Takifugu rubripes, we screened the microsatellites based on bulked segregation analysis (BSA). Two gene pools were constructed with 60 individuals each containing 30 males and females, and scanned by 66 pairs of microsatellite primers, from which eight pairs of microsatellite primers of different bands were amplified and verified for the first round in the 60 individuals. The results show that the bands amplified by primers f1050 and f383 in male and female individuals differed significantly. And in the second round verification, bands amplified by primers f1050 in male and female individuals did not differ significantly, while bands amplified by primers f383 in male and female individuals differed significantly. In other words, primer f383 occurred in male individuals in two rounds of verification in coefficient 0.710 and 0.673, respectively, it is paternity-indicative for T. rubripes. The discovery shall provide a theoretical basis for gender-related gene cloning and sex determination.
Key words:  Takifugu rubripes  microsatellite  gender differences
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Supervised by: China Association for Science and Technology   Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Institute of Oceanology and Limnology, CAS.
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