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北部湾典型海域关键环境因子的时空分布与影响因素 |
袁涌铨1,2,3, 吕旭宁1,2,4,3, 吴在兴1,2,3, 贺成1,2,4,3, 宋秀贤1,2,4,3, 曹西华1,2,4,3, 俞志明1,2,4,3
1.中国科学院海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室(中国科学院海洋研究所) 青岛 266071;2.青岛海洋科学与技术国家试点实验室 海洋生态与环境科学功能实验室 青岛 266071;3.中国科学院海洋大科学研究中心 青岛 266071;4.中国科学院大学 北京 100049
摘要: |
为研究北部湾典型海域关键环境因子的时空分布及其影响因素,2016年9月至2017年8月对该海域29个站位进行了多学科月度综合调查,分析了该海域主要理化因子的时空分布特征,探讨了水文及生物因素对关键环境因子分布的影响。结果表明:硝氮(NO3--N)、活性磷酸盐(SRP)的时空分布具有一致性,高值区主要出现在近岸钦州湾海域,海峡口临近海域及30m等深线以深海域,各月份总有机碳(TOC)、溶解有机碳(DOC)的表底浓度无明显差异(P<0.05),高温季节溶解氧(DO)、pH的低值区主要位于30m等深线以深的底层海域。DO、pH、NO3--N、SRP、溶解硅酸盐(DSi)为影响该海域浮游植物生长的关键理化因子。近岸10m等深线以浅的区域I中,NO3--N浓度主要受地表径流带来的陆源污染影响,区域Ⅱ中NO3--N、SRP在秋季受到南海水向北入侵影响,春、冬季受来自琼州海峡的混合水影响,30m等深线以深的区域Ⅲ中,NO3--N、SRP全年受到南海高盐水的影响。在球形棕囊藻囊体丰度较高的2017年2月至3月,有囊体站位表层的NO3--N/SRP显著低于底层(P<0.01),无囊体站位表底层的NO3--N/SRP之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),棕囊藻赤潮的生消可能是导致春季NO3--N、SRP表底分布出现差异的主要原因。 |
关键词: 北部湾 关键环境因子 时空分布 影响因素 球形棕囊藻赤潮 |
DOI:10.11693/hyhz20181100279 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFC1404300号;国家自然科学基金,41706133号,41506135号 |
YUAN Yong-Quan1,2,3, LÜ Xu-Ning1,2,4,3, WU Zai-Xing1,2,3, HE Cheng1,2,4,3, SONG Xiu-Xian1,2,4,3, CAO Xi-Hua1,2,4,3, YU Zhi-Ming1,2,4,3
1.CAS Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;2.Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Science, Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(Qingdao), Qingdao 266071, China;3.Center for Ocean Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;4.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract: |
A field monthly investigation was conducted in the Beibu Gulf, Guangxi, South China during Sep. 2016 to August 2017 to understand the distributions of different environmental factors, and to analyze various situations affecting the temporal and spatial changes of these environmental factors. We sampled the water in 29 stations, and described the distribution of main environmental factors, including NO3--N, SRP (soluble reactive phosphorus), DSi (dissolved silicate), pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), etc. Moreover, the influence of hydrological and biological situation on the distribution was further analyzed. Results show that the spatial distribution and temporal changes of NO3--N was similar to that of SRP and peaked in 3 areas:Qinzhou and Beihai coast, the adjacent waters to the western mouth of Qiongzhou Strait, and the deep water area over 30m isobath. The TOC (total organic carbon) and DOC (dissolved organic carbon) concentrations were largely stable at all water depth in every station during the investigation (P<0.05). In the summer, DO and pH were low in the bottom area over 30m isobath. Furthermore, DO, pH, NO3--N, SRP, and DSi were recognized as the main environmental factors in the gulf as indicated in PCA analysis. In Zone I that defined within 10m isobaths, NO3--N concentration was mainly influenced by territorial discharge. In Zone Ⅱ representing the area from 10 to 30m isobath, the concentrations of NO3--N and SRP were influenced by mixing water derived from the Qiongzhou Strait current in spring, and by invasive water from South China Sea in autumn. In Zone Ⅲ that was defined as the area over 30m isobath, the concentrations of NO3--N and SRP were influenced by invasive water from the South China Sea in the whole year. In February and March, 2017, when the abundance of Pheaocystis globosa peaked in the Beibu Gulf, the NO3--N/SRP ratio at surface was much smaller than that at bottom (P<0.01) in the stations where colonies of P. globosa distributed. However, there was no significant difference in NO3--N/SRP ratio between the surface and bottom in the stations having no P. globosa colonies (P>0.05). Therefore, the outbreak of P. globosa bloom in spring could be the main reason for the difference in NO3--N/SRP ratio between the surface and bottom. |
Key words: Beibu Gulf main environmental factor spatial and temporal distribution influencing factor Phaeocystis globosa bloom |