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闫昌源1, 陈栋1, 吴文凡2, 顾艳镇1, 刘子洲2, 翟方国2
1.浙江大学海洋学院 浙江 舟山 316021;2.中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院 山东 青岛 266100
中街山列岛国家级海洋牧场位于中国浙江省舟山市舟山群岛海域, 其建设有利于促进当地渔业发展, 保护该海域生态环境。基于中街山列岛国家级海洋牧场附近两个站点2020年10月21日至2021年2月28日期间的海流观测资料, 利用调和分析、合成分析等方法, 研究了舟山群岛海域冬季流场的时空变化特征及其影响机制。研究结果表明, 两站点处潮流均为正规半日潮, 以M2和S2占主, 各主要分潮潮流均为往复流; 潮流、余流流向均为西北-东南流向, 与站点所处的狭窄水道主轴方向一致, 说明地形因素影响明显; 同时, 观测站点处水体的垂向平均动量平衡分析表明, 在沿水道主轴方向上, 余流受盛行风场控制, 风场转向会导致余流转向,而在垂直于水道主轴方向上, 由于受水道两侧岸线的支撑作用, 水体在近岸堆积, 故在该方向上主要为正压梯度力与科氏力的平衡, 反应了地形对流场特征的影响。研究成果揭示了舟山群岛海域冬季的流场特征及其主要影响机制, 对实现此海域内海洋牧场的精细化管理具有指导意义。
关键词:  余流  舟山群岛  海洋牧场  合成分析
YAN Chang-Yuan1, CHEN Dong1, WU Wen-Fan2, GU Yan-Zhen1, LIU Zi-Zhou2, ZHAI Fang-Guo2
1.Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan 316021, China;2.College of Ocean and Atmosphere Science, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
Zhongjieshan Island Marine Ranch is located in the waters of Zhoushan Islands, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China. The construction of the marine ranch is conducive to promoting the development of fishery and protecting the ecological environment. To deeply understand the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of winter flow field in the Zhoushan Islands and its dynamic mechanism, we studied the existing data from October 21, 2020 to February 28, 2021, obtained from two stations near the marine ranch. Result show that the tidal currents at the two stations were regular semidiurnal tides, and M2 and S2constituents were significant, and all the main tidal constituents were reciprocating. The tidal and residual flow directions were all in the northwest-southeast direction, which is consistent with the direction of the main axis of the narrow channel where the stations were located, indicating the obvious influence of topographic factors. The analysis based on the vertical mean momentum equation showed that in the direction along the main axis of the channel, the residual flow was controlled by the prevailing wind field, and the wind field turning will cause the residual flow to turn. In the direction perpendicular to the main axis of the channel, water mass accumulated near the shore due to the support of the shoreline on both sides of the channel, so that the positive pressure gradient force and Coriolis force was balanced largely in this direction, which reflected the influence of topography on the characteristics of the flow field. The research results of this study reveal the flow field characteristics and its main influence mechanism in the Zhoushan Islands sea area in winter, which is of guidance to realize the fine management of marine pasture in this sea area.
Key words:  residual current  Zhoushan Islands  marine ranch  composite analysis
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Supervised by: China Association for Science and Technology   Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology, Institute of Oceanology and Limnology, CAS.
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