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于秋涛1, 樊廷俊1, 汪小锋1, 丛日山1, 汤志宏1, 吕翠仙1, 史振平1
以活体宽纹虎鲨(Heterodortus japonicus)的鳃软骨和鳍软骨组织为材料,利用透明质酸酶(hyaluronidase)、Ⅱ型胶原酶(type Ⅱ collagenase)和胰蛋白酶(trypsin)进行消化获得游离软骨细胞,对所得游离细胞连同软骨组织分别用含20%小牛血清的MEM培养液进行体外培养。对软骨细胞体外培养条件的优化结果显示,宽纹虎鲨鳍软骨细胞体外培养的最适pH为7.2~7.6、最佳温度为24℃,成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF,basic fibroblast gro
关键词:  宽纹虎鲨(Heterodortus japonicus)  软骨细胞  体外培养
in vitro culture of cartilage cells from shark, Heterodortus japonicus
This study was to initiate in vitro culture of shark cartilage cells. Fin and gill cartilage tissues digested by hyaluronidase(0.5%), Type II callagenase(0.2%) and trypsin(0.25%) were chosen for the initiation. Then the digested tissues and dissociated cells obtained were cultured in 20% newborn bovine serum(NBS) containing MEM medium. The results show that cultured cartilage cells began to migrate out of tissues 3 days after the culture initiated. And they became round or oval shape immediately after the migration, and some of them changed gradually into epithelioid shape later. It was found that the optimal pH value and temperature for cultured cartilage cells is 7.2, and 24℃, respectively. Under the optimal conditions, the culturing cartilage cells were in a good growing status, and they grow and proliferate rapidly. The effect of basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF) on culturing cartilage cells was also investigated in this study, and no obvious growth and proliferation stimulating effect was observed.
Key words:  shark  cartilage cell  in vitro culture
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