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郭羽丰1,2, 段舜山2, 李爱芬2, 刘振乾2
以海洋微藻四列藻(Tetraselmis tetrathele)为试验材料,在试验前阶段,置于设定的多种低盐度和高盐度胁迫条件下培养10d;在试验后阶段,将各处理组盐度恢复至正常(35),并将该藻置于此条件下培养10d。在藻恢复生长阶段,发现盐度为15的低盐处理组和盐度为100的高盐处理组与持续在正常盐度(35)条件下培养的对照组比较,处理组有更强的生长能力(P<0.05),主要表现为在恢复生长的中后期(6~8d),藻细胞平均相对生长率提高,细胞数增多,叶绿素a含量和生物量增高。同时,对于盐度条件的变化,藻细胞能通过细胞内蛋白质、糖含量的相应改变,来启动渗透调节机制以维持正常的生理机能。试验表明,四列藻继盐胁迫后的培养过程中,具有超补偿生长的特性。
关键词:  四列藻(Tetraselmis tetrathele)  盐胁迫  超补偿生长
Over-compensatory growth of Tetraselmis tetrathele following salt stress
Micro-alga Tetraselmis tetrathele was used as experimental material in this study. Before the experiement, T. tetrathele were cultured under stress of several lower of higher salinities for 10 days, and then, all of the treated groups were cultured for another 10 days under the condition that the salinities were back to normal level (35). In the stage of recovery growth, the treated groups of lower salinity (15) and higher salinity (100) showed a stronger ability of growth than the control (P<0.05), showing higher average relative growth rate, more number of cells, more biomass, and higher chlorophyll-a content than those of the control in the middle-later culture time (6~8 d). Meanwhile, with the salinity changing, the content of intracellular protein and carbohydrate in T. tetrathele could changed correspondingly in order to start the regulating mechanism of osmotic potential to maintain the normal physiological function. The experiment result showed that T. tetrathele has the ability of over-compensatory growth in the after treatea with salt stress.
Key words:  Tetraselmis tetrathele  salt stress  over-compensatory growth
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