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徐永江1, 柳学周1, 马爱军1,2, 孙中之1, 庄志猛1
1.中国水产科学研究院 黄海水产研究所;2.农业部水生动物遗传育种和养殖生物学重点开放实验室
就半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther)受精卵和早期仔鱼生长发育与盐度的关系作了初步探讨。受精卵在盐度低于25的海水中全部下沉,在高于29的海水中浮在水面,而当盐度在26~28.5之间时在海水中呈悬浮状态。受精卵孵化的最适盐度为25~35,此盐度范围内孵化率都可达88%以上,盐度低于20或高于40孵化率降低,初孵仔鱼畸形率升高。盐度对仔鱼生长有一定的影响:盐度在25~35 时初孵仔鱼存活率最高,盐度32.5时生长最好;盐度30~32.5范围内刚开口仔鱼的存活率较高,生长最快;盐度低于20时变态期仔鱼的存活率与盐度高于25 时没有显著差异(P>0.05),但两者体长存在显著差异(P<0.05)。盐度高于40或低于10会延滞胚胎发育速率,孵化时间在盐度低于10时会相对延长。
关键词:  半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther)  盐度  胚胎发育  仔鱼生长
Effects of salinity on embryonic development and growth of early life stages of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther
A variety of salinity studies were conducted with the early life stages of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther. Eggs were buoyant above 29 and sank below 25, providing varying levels of suspension with salinities of 26~28.5 in the water column. Eggs were incubated at 5~40 respectively, the suitable salinities for hatching range from 25 to 35. Salinity above 40 or below 20 leads to low hatching rate with high deforming rate of larvae. The larvae of 12 h post-fertilization and larvae of first feeding stage were reared at 10~40 for 72h and 7d respectively, the suitable salinity range for survival for the former is 25~35, the latter is 30~32.5,and the most suitable salinity for both growths is 30~32.5. In an 11-day study ,the larvae of 15d were acclaimed to 8 salinities ranging from 10~40, no great difference was detected in survival among 15~35, but the growth between salinities above 25 and below 20 exhibited a remarkably statistical difference(P<0.05). Metamorphosis rate of the fish of 15 days was observed, salinities ranging 30~35 provided high complete metamorphosis rate. Longer hatching time was observed under 10.
Key words:  Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther  salinity  embryonic development  larvae growth
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