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引用本文:宋志萍,蔡俊鹏,王 志,韩 韫.一种消除九孔鲍苗细菌性病原的无公害绿色生物方法的研究[J].海洋科学,2006,30(1):44-48.
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宋志萍1, 蔡俊鹏1, 王 志1, 韩 韫1
华南理工大学 食品与生物工程学院
从海洋环境中分离出4株蛭弧菌(Bdellovibrio sp.),并对34株九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)苗细菌性病原进行了裂解试验。结果表明,Bh04-4、Bh04-41a、Bh04-A+和Bh04-1f等4株蛭弧菌分别可裂解11株、13株、22株和28株病原菌,裂解率为32.4%、38.2%、64.7%和87.5%;4株共同作用,则可裂解32株病原菌,裂解率高达94.1%。研究结果展示了应用蛭弧菌控制九孔鲍苗细菌性病原的可行性。
关键词:  蛭弧菌(Bdellovibrio sp.)  裂解率  九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)苗  细菌性病原菌  无公害绿色生物方法
Studies of an environmental-friendly biological method eliminating abalone postlarval bacterial pathogens
In this study, 4 strains of Bdellovibrio sp., designated Bh04-4, Bh04-41a, Bh04-A+ and Bh04-1f, were isolated from seawaters. Their lytic abilities on 34 strains Haliotis diversicolor postlarval bacterial pathogens were investigated. Results showed that Bdellovibrio strain Bh04-4 lysed 11 out of the 34 strains of pathogens, corresponding to 32.4% lysis ability, Bh04-41a lysed 13 strains of pathogens (38.2% lysis ability), Bh04-A+ lysed 22 strains of pathogens (64.7% lysis ability) and Bh04-1f 28 strains of pathogens (87.5% lysis ability). Taken all four Bdellovibrio stains together, they lysed 32 out of 34 strains of pathogens, amounting to 94.1% lysis ability. Results of this study fully demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing Bdellovibrio in eliminating abalone postlarval pathogens.
Key words:  Bdellovibrio sp.  lysis ability  Haliotis diversicolor postlarvae  bacterial pathogen  environmental-friendly biological method
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