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引用本文:刘 飞,钟少军,蒲晓强,瞿成利,徐丽君.胶州湾李村河口沉积物中重金属分布特征及其控制因素[J].海洋科学,2006,30(4):31-35.
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刘 飞1,2, 钟少军1, 蒲晓强1,2, 瞿成利1,2, 徐丽君1
对胶州湾李村河口4个站点沉积物中的酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)以及同步提取金属元素(SEM,包括Cu,Cd,Ni,Pb和Zn)的含量进行测定,以研究重金属元素在河口海湾沉积物中的分布特征及影响其分布的因素。结果表明,J1站表层沉积物中同步提取金属含量高于其它站点;除J1站外其他站点的同步提取金属的总量随沉积物深度变化范围不大;J1站的 SEM/AVS比值始终小于1,其他站点SEM/AVS比值只在沉积物浅表层大于1。此外,AVS和同步提取Fe的含量对沉积物中同步提取金属的分布有着重要影响,其他的因素如有机质的含量等也会对沉积物中同步提取金属的分布产生影响。
关键词:  同步提取金属  酸可挥发硫化物  胶州湾  沉积物
Distributions of heavy metals in the estuarine sediments of the Licun River, Jiaozhou Bay
In this study, we measured the vertical distributions of the simultaneously extracted metals(SEM), including Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb, Zn and Fe, and acid volatile sulfide(AVS) in four anoxic sediment cores taken from the estuarine area of the Licun River in Jiaozhou Bay. The objective was to provide a quantitative assessment of the mobility or bioavailability of these heavy metals and the major controlling factors. It was found that SEM of surface sediment at the sampling station near the mouth of the river(station J1) was higher than those at the other three stations. With the exception of station J1, SEM values varied insignificantly with sediment burial depth. The SEM/AVS ratio was less than one at all depths at station J1, while at the other three stations, it was bigger than one in surface sediments and was less than one in sediments a few centimeters below the water-sediment interface. Applying statistical correlation analysis, we found that both simultaneously extracted Fe and AVS in the sediment influenced the distribution of the simultaneously extracted metals significantly. Other factors such as sediment organic matter content may also have an important effect on the distributions.
Key words:  simultaneously extracted metals(SEM)  acid volatile sulfide(AVS)  sediments  Jiaozhou Bay
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