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引用本文:杨 辉,谢钦春.浙江乐清湾资源开发的关联性研究[J].海洋科学,2006,30(5):10-14.
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杨 辉1,2, 谢钦春2
根据乐清湾的主要海洋资源及其开发利用现状,探讨各种资源开发之间的关联性,寻求海洋资源开发与周边经济、社会、环境的协调,为海湾经济的可持续发展提供科学依据。资源开发活动相互关联,包括相互受益、一方受益、 相互冲突或对一方有害4种关系,关联的程度因资源开发类型不同有很大差异。为了合理、有效发挥海湾的资源优势,充分利用资源开发间的互利关系,避免和减少利用过程中的冲突,确保海洋经济持续健康发展,必须强化区域主导功能,建立科学合理的资源开发体系;理顺海洋管理体制,加强海岸带综合管理。
关键词:  优势资源  开发关联性  可持续利用  乐清湾
Correlations among resources exploitations at Leqing Bay, Zhejiang Province
According to the dominant resources and their current exploiting situations in Leqing Bay, this paper discusses exploiting correlations among various resources, seeks well harmonization between economy, society, environment and resources exploitation to provide the scientific measures for the sustainable development. The exploitations correlate with each other and the correlations include four kinds: benefit to each other, contradiction to each other, benefit only to one side and damage only to one side, and the correlating degree is different according to various resources exploitations. In order to bring the potentiality of the resources into a full play, make full use of the common benefit, lessen the contradiction to the utmost and exploit sustainably, some measures to be taken are as follows: (1) strengthening regional leading exploitative function and building up a reasonable utilizing system. (2) consolidating integrated coast zone management(ICZM) and building up an integrated harmonizing organization.
Key words:  dominant resources  correlations among resources exploitation  sustainable utilization  Leqing Bay
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