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张学勤1,2, 王国祥1, 王艳红1, 王治良1
目前盐城海岸有限的滩涂资源构成自然保护区用地和经济发展用地之间矛盾的焦点,滩涂的淤蚀和湿地植被消长变化是协调保护区和地方经济发展用地的主要科学依据。通过2005年7月对盐城海岸7个断面滩面高程、泥沙粒度和植被分布进行测量及调查,结合1992年6月、2002年5月、2005年4月的卫星图片资料,分析滩涂的淤蚀和植被的分布及扩展状况。研究表明,现阶段盐城海岸北部以5~45 m/a速度后退,以5~10 cm/a的平均速度下蚀;新洋港以南高滩不断向海推进,平均淤进速度为50~200 m/a,淤高速度为2~5 cm/a;滩涂湿地高等植物面积迅速增长,平均增长率为2 000 hm2/a,湿地植被结构和生态服务功能有所改变。近时期内滩涂总体面积不断扩大,新洋港以南岸段高滩面积持续增长,这为盐城自然保护区及地方经济发展提供不断增长的区域空间保障。
关键词:  江苏盐城  滩涂淤蚀  湿地  植被消长
The changes of erosion or progradation of tidal flat and retreat or extension of wetland vegetation of the Yancheng coast, Jiangsu
Nowadays, limited tidal flat resource becomes a focus of contest between nature conservation areas and land use for economic development. The conditions of progradation or erosion of coastal tidal flat and canopied salt marsh are the main scientific reference for corresponding the wetland conservation and economic development. Based on the measured result of sand granularity, tidal flat altitude and plant distribution on the seven cross-sections of the Yancheng coast in July 2005, this paper studied the changes of erosion or progradation of tidal flat and retreat or extension of wetland vegetation of the Yancheng coast utilizing the satellite images of this coastal area shot in June 1992, May 2002 and April 2005. Recent research shows that the north part of the Yancheng coast is eroded at the rates of 5~45 m/a horizontally and 5~10 cm/a vertically. Meanwhile, tidal flat of the south stretch of the Yancheng coast from Xinyanggang to Jianggang extends seaward continuously at the rate of 50~200 m/a on the average,and accreting at the rate of 2~5 cm/a on the average. Advanced plants of salt marsh increase rapidly at the average rate of about 2000 hm2/a, and the pattern of wetland plants and the ecologic service function changed accordingly. The area of tide mudflat from Xinyanggang to Jianggang could maintain increase in a near future, and the total area of the tidal flat enlarged gradually as well. This provides increasing land space used for economic development and wetland conservation of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province.
Key words:  Yancheng,Jiangsu  erosion or progradation of tidal flat  wetland  retreat or extension of vegetation
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