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引用本文:范可章,姚国兴,陈爱华,杨家新,许 璞.江苏海域文蛤周年性腺发育的初步研究[J].海洋科学,2006,30(7):27-32.
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范可章1,2, 姚国兴3, 陈爱华3, 杨家新1, 许 璞3
1.南京师范大学 生命科学学院;2.阜阳师范学院;3.江苏省海洋与水产研究所
江苏文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)属于较为独立的地理种群。为提高江苏文蛤苗种生产能力,于2003年12月到2004年11月在江苏沿海海域的东凌、新港、吕四、大丰等采样点,定期取样,计算文蛤各采样时期的丰满度,并及时测量水温,对性腺进行直接和显微切片观察,以研究其性腺发育特点。观察表明,其发育可分为5个期:形成期、生长期、成熟期、排放期及耗尽期。形成期在3~4月,水温10.5~16.5℃;生长期在4~5月,水温18~20.5℃;成熟期在5~6月,水温24~25℃;放散期在 6~8月,水温24~32℃;耗尽期在9月以后,直到11月份,水温从24℃左右下降到10℃左右。水温在10℃以下时,文蛤的生长发育处于停滞状态,从 11月持续到第二年的3月初。江苏文蛤性腺发育的时间比辽宁文蛤早1个月左右,比广西文蛤迟1个月左右。
关键词:  江苏海域  文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)  性腺发育
A preliminary study on the anniversary gonadal development of hard clam (Meretrix meretrix) in Jiangsu maritime space
In order to improve the seed breeding quality of Jiangsu hard clam(Meretrix meretrix), from December in 2003 to November in 2004. Asiatic hard clams were collected two or three times every month from the stations: Dongling, Dafeng, Xingang, Lüsi etc. Every time, the value of the hard clams’ standard and the temperature of the seawater were all measured, in the same time, we observed the situation of the hard clams’ gonadal development straightly and studied on the character of the hard clams’ gonadal development by making the microscopical sections from the hard clams’ gonad. Through the observation, it showed that the period of the gonad’s development can be cut into five periods: the period of forming, the period of growth, the period of maturity, the period of ovulation and the period of exhausting. The period of forming is from March to April, the temperature of seawater is from 10.5 degree to 16.5 degree; The period of growth is from April to May, the temperature of seawater is from 18 degree to 20.5 degree; The period of maturity is from May to June, the temperature of seawater is from 24 degree to 25 degree; The period of ovulation is from June to August, the temperature of seawater is from 24 degree to 32 degree; The period of exhausting is after September, up to November, the temperature of seawater declines from about 24 degree to lower 10 degree. When the temperature of seawater is lower than 10 degree, the developing gonad of the hard clams stopped, this period is from November up to the next year’s early of March.
Key words:  Jiangsu maritime space  asiatic hard clam(Meretrix meretrix)  gonadal development
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