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引用本文:蔡 峰,孙 萍.黄海海域的中朝造山带与沉积盆地[J].海洋科学,2006,30(7):69-75.
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蔡 峰1,2, 孙 萍2
1.中国地质大学;2.中国地质调查局 青岛海洋地质研究所
关键词:  黄海海域  前新生界  烃源岩  油气资源远景
Sino-korean orogenic belt and sedimentary basin in the Yellow Sea
As a unique area with no commercial hydrocarbon findings within the offshore oil-bearing basins of our country, the Yellow Sea has been studied on the Cenozoic strata during the hydrocarbon exploration processes up-to-date, which is just followed the experiences of hydrocarbon exploration in the East China. However, it is shown that there are multiple suits of hydrocarbon source rocks in the Yellow Sea, according to some recent research results from oil-wells and seismic exploration. Analyzed from the regional geology and basin evolution features, the Yellow Sea area surely developed the whole association of oil source, reservoir, and cover strata, which together constitute an excellent system suitable for the oil formation, and thus it made the Yellow Sea be an ideal area with huge potential for the hydrocarbon exploration.
Key words:  the Yellow Sea area  pre-Cenozoic  source rock  hydrocarbon resource potential
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